how i got the cops called on me and got my brother handcuffed all because of a cat
so i let our cat out two days ago and she never came back.
when my brother let our dog out tonight he heard some meowing so he followed it to a neighbor's back yard. after making sure it was our cat he came back and told me he had found her, so we went over there and rang the doorbell. (this is all happening around midnight) no one answered after hitting the doorbell a couple more times so we went back to our house to figure out what to do. we couldn't think of anything better to do so we went back over and hit the doorbell a lot more, and knocked on the door.
turns out said neighbor recently had surgery and can't sleep, so he was on ambien. it just so happens that when you wake up from ambien to people ringing your doorbell and knocking on your door at midnight, you get scared. so he called the cops. i guess he had called the cops during our first visit because they came pretty soon after we went over there the second time.
a cop came up shining a flash light and told us to turn around. we both got patted down and then they split us up to ask us questions, and my brother got handcuffed. (first in the family, and at 16 no less) i have no idea why they handcuffed him and not me. after asking their questions another cop (i think there were 6-7, 3 cars showed up) went into the back yard and saw our cat 30 feet [≈ wavelength of the lowest VHF and highest shortwave radio frequency, 30 MHz] up in a tree.
neighbor came out and talked to us after the police confirmed we weren't hooligans there to break in and told us we could go get our ladder and try to get her down. turns out our ladder is 10-15 feet too short. so we have food and water out there now, waiting for her to come down.
tl;dr meeting new neighbors by having them call the cops on us, getting my brother handcuffed. all in a night with vasp
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