Original Post
[B] Joints and textures! ~50k to spend!
Hi, I'm buying joints and textures, but you can offer me some cheap miscs too.
No motion trails!
My budget is 50k and I have ~2500 qi.
So keep your offers in those limits.
I'm paying with TC or art.
For trading art for your stuff check my texture shop and offer here. If you are only interested in buying art, not trading, post in the texture shop thread.
Last edited by ikyo_old; Jul 4, 2013 at 12:22 PM.
Your prices are ridiculous.
Also, not so interested in gradients.
Last edited by ikyo_old; Jul 3, 2013 at 11:46 AM.
What do you mean? The textures in total are 38k, and I cut off 8k from it.

How low are you willing to go for it?
the goblin

Whatever. I'll stick to making sets from now on, marketing is fucking ridiculous.

Sending full 128.
the goblin