Christmas Lottery
Original Post
10k Toxic Head Request
I need a toxic themed head kinda like Phosphine's avatar or Bombdigidy's avatar.

Either way i want it toxic color themed and eyes are encesare or something that makes the face clear that its there.

Important detail is that I want you to make the texture 512x512 or at least 256x256 because I will use it as an avatar also and because I have a very good resize software that doesnt pixelate the textures when resized.

So get going!
It's against the rules to request a head similar to someone else's without their permission first.

Sorry, cant help you.
..::Account Closed Out::..
Originally Posted by Nasuke View Post
I have to ask for permision if I copy their design not if i ask for a green one

Well then ask for a green one......
My Sig :D
: D
Ok sorry I asked for permission now.

And when I gave the examples I wanted to show the color theme not the design

OldBean: Yeah would be cool
Instead for red you can use a noxious orange or a radioactive blue. The important thing is that toxic color has to dominate the design