Original Post
[S][B] pirate has a shop!!!!!

Right so in this thread i will be buying and selling items.
my tc and qi can be found here

in this part of the shop i will be selling some of my items to you guys.
the items i am selling can be found here :
512x512 textures
256x256 textures
128x128 joint textures
128x128 textures
128x128 head textures

a few rules about the selling part of the shop :
if you want to buy items use the [B] tag.
dont make any stupid offers.
check the market before offering.
you will send the tc first.
you will offer first.


second part of the shop is about me buying your items.
15k for each 512 texture.
5k for each 256 texture.
1.1k for each 128 texture.
^^ send any of those and you will recieve the tc.
a few rules for this part :
you will have to tag your post with [S] if you are selling.
you will have to offer first.
you will send the tc first.
dont make any stupid offers.
dont offer me any inventories.
name the items you are selling with an offer next to them.
dont give me links to your threads.
if you are to lazy to follow those rules ^^ or just dont give a fuck dont bother offering.

i am interested in buying forces/relaxes and texture items 128 256 or 512...and joint textures.

i am not interested in low priced joints.

looking for medium to high priced joints.

i am only accepting TC and only paying with TC.
good luck buying/selling :P

Last edited by imapirate; Dec 29, 2013 at 12:10 PM.
hello vordred please use the [S] tag while selling D:

also i would do 25k for the imperial force and 5k for the cobra lax.
Sorry pirate, edited it in

And I could go 7k for the Cobra
For the Imperial, comon D: that's way to underpriced.

34k will be current minimum for it.


[B] Shaman Force - 7k

[B] Head Avvy 1000 tc

[S] Gentlemen's Essentials & My flame ( /dl /lp me ) both 99999 TC? ;)

Apathetic User
Vordred : i wont buy any item for 2k less then the market price etc i would do 28k for the imperial and 5.5k for the cobra.
also last time i saw a shaman force on the market i think it was around 18k i would do 15k.
Blackware : copper force 2k. and i will sell my aurora ghost for 4k which is half of the market price.
Vendoor : not interested in hair items or flames.
oh and 1.4k for the head avvy.
Last edited by imapirate; Sep 15, 2013 at 06:47 PM.
[B] How much for garbage set?

also [S] magma relax x 4
snova force
sapphire forces
spiky hair
Pm me for deals