Okay, so my first thought was OH MY GOD THIS PERSON'S NAME IS MIKU MOTHERFUCKER YES. Then I saw your application, and I (very, very sadly) must go with a soundly "Meh".
You put some effort into it (disregarding the suggestive facial expression, but I've got enough Miku 34 around to find that anyway), but you're working that "random humor" bit extremely hard. Look, I know what it's like, I've also been a huge freakish anime fan bouncing around all hyper on the net, but... doesn't work in [o]. At least not anymore.
Don't worry, though. I still love you for your username, and your application is at least better than Pwr's (note to [o] seniors: New form of measurement?
). I'm going to say yes. And don't worry about me hating you for how you're typing, I'm just being an asshole. <3 EDIT: You've also got a couple of infractions, which is a plus in my books! Definitely a yes!