Christmas Lottery
This song has been stuck in my head ever since I found out about it yesterday. The chorus is what captivated me.

>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

This is what i jam to
Rule 1:Always use a giant hammer.
Rule 2:If you go to a knife fight, bring a giant hammer.
Rule 3:Stay clear of round pink things.
(or hit them with a giant hammer)
really lol thats funny
Rule 1:Always use a giant hammer.
Rule 2:If you go to a knife fight, bring a giant hammer.
Rule 3:Stay clear of round pink things.
(or hit them with a giant hammer)
hmm...yah im not into posting pictures and stuff loike that so im just gonna say it...that theme song from toilet paper comercial...yah thats the shit!
is he dising the rhcps thats not cool man
Rule 1:Always use a giant hammer.
Rule 2:If you go to a knife fight, bring a giant hammer.
Rule 3:Stay clear of round pink things.
(or hit them with a giant hammer)