Original Post
[S/T] 18 Texture Items!!
I have 18 texture items in my deactivated that I am looking to sell so i can get some 256x256 textures. I am also willing to trade the 128 textures for 256 items.

Looking for 35k for all. Will not go any lower so take it or leave it.

Looking for TC or 25x256 ITEMS!
Last edited by Xcaliber2234; Jan 7, 2014 at 08:30 PM. Reason: added payment
Sorry but no. i forgot to add payment. Im accepting tc and 256x256 items.

And Merniak did you want all 4 for 3k if so no. For 4 i would like 7.7k and for 2 i would like 3.8k
23k all
even if it was full it's not worth that much man
[21:19] <@Arctic> n sei pq o ed foi tirar o pinto mano
como pinto no almoço