Why i want to join vintage: i would like to join vintage because it is not a noob clan and i have only brefly seen u guys but u seem like a cool buntch and i think we will get along well. Also i was inactive for a few months so i want a fresh start and a good clan that we can actually win clan wars on
Strongest Mods: abd, ninjutsu, akido
Weakest Mods: judo
Clan History: xp, shield, the Empire
Ingame: 6/10
Forums: 7/10
Accomplishments: sparred with swexx, i beat iRookie when i was brown, i win duels, i havent lost a clan war.
Why you want to join Vintage:
- I'd like to join this clan because it sounds like something that's going to go big one day. It's a cool name for a clan.
Best Mods in Toribash:
- Wushu
- Running Mod
Forums (9-10)
Ingame (7-10)
Previous clans:
- None
Additional Comments:
- I hope you allow me to join your clan as my first.