In difficult times after the First World War, created a magical extraordinary a trick, no more trick, was called ace, he spent several years creating this trick finding a way to turn it into a great work of art, it was becoming a big nightmare when he actually managed to decipher all that trick, he realized he was no longer able to do that.
He tried to find someone to continue his legacy, but nobody thought not so smart and special, then created the company Ace for us to use the trick and he did all what you evolve.
We're all here for the new creation the ace of victory.
Sirss - Owner + Founder
ajiskempet - Poker
xcess - Nicola Tesla
R1GBY - Lucifer
Manager of war
Accused - i'm The Pro one
NugiClz - My Friend :D
Doomsday2104 - Manager of war
Hardcod - Manager of War
LyonCake - R1GBY's Curse -_-
Poker Poster
MrPsychotic - Forum Active
1Blazing1 - poker poster
FastMove - poker poster
Nerfpls - Forum Active
DevilChops - Slice and Dice >:D
ViperVolt - Member
Globinslay - member
TimeBlast - member
Ediblecow - member
Clan Bank
AceVault - Send The TC to me :D
a. Respect all members, especially the leaders.
b. Don't spam in thread like "morning,hi,ok,"minimal letters is 5 (and don't use Dirty Words). You can use IRC for chat.
c. Be active in forum or ingame.
d. Speak english properly, use translator if you can't.
e. Dont Scam other members, and do not steal anyone.
f. Don't war clan without leader or Co-Leader
g. You will kicked if you didnt active until 2 weeks (Except you PM leader or Co-Leader)
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