View Poll Results: What type of art do you prefer?
Simple and Cartoony
1 Votes / 12.50%
Detailed and Complex
3 Votes / 37.50%
I like them both
4 Votes / 50.00%
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by Novastar00 View Post
ok . thinked that clan is friendly...

we are going for official so we dont want that kind of posts
Originally Posted by Novastar00 View Post
ok . thinked that clan is friendly...

I am a friendly person but I try to keep things serious on our clan thread because we want to get official like Sergiodes said.
Hello guys, time for that betting server everybody should start to get on while we can this weekend because its happening this weekend

I'll be on as long as i can today probably going to go on off constantly So if I'm not on at the moment I'll be on the forums so just pm me

This forum hasnt gotten anywhere in the past week its either been a post about getting to 100 pages, a shit post, and a comment about not shit posting so all of it is shit post -_- Remember guys try to talk about the goal at hand, recent things you've done like talking about a replay you made make sure to put 1 or 2 sentence intro talk about wars you've had how they went who did the most comment on replays throughly not just one or two words

Honestly this thread is dieing :P

I know I haven't been on for a while but I'm still here and ready to help ;)
and if anyone wants to spar just like message me or something (just like a fighting spar for points like a normal match not replay shit)

see you all soon
-Mexican Ninja Demon King Bob out
I am the true Bob of all things I was just Bob once until there was too many of too many that I could call fakes.
Hey guys ive been off for a while now.. and ive missed a lot of chats between the members. and congrats on the co-leader Serg idk about me being on all the time when you guys are. may be the time zones?? idk but i got a lot going on with school so il try to get on when i can.