Christmas Lottery
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yet another one of those nostalgia threads
Hey guys, as you may or may not have noticed (most likely not), I've been on IRC and reading the forum a bit more. (Mostly old stuff because there's nothing to laugh at ironically anymore). It makes me long for the good old days when I actually talked to everybody and could remember more than two things about them. For this reason, I'm shamelessly stealing FreshPrins and xxxVelocityKasabianxxx's ideas and making an update thread. The point is to just discuss life, post how you are doing and what you've been up to since we've talked (a long, long time). I'll start with myself.

My name is Steven Beattie, known around these parts as phail, ofphailure, Steve, Steven, Australian Steve, Pete, Australian Pete, Petey Beattie and sissyboy. I've been studying at Griffith University (for all your Australians) in the capital city of my state. I live with a few friends and have heaps of friends nearby. I study a Bachelor of Business majoring in management and am really enjoying it, despite having failed one subject last semester. I still live off of government money and don't have a job but that's okay because I'd just spend money on things I don't need anyways. I still don't drink alcohol and am generally a big sissy boy. (Also I'm still as thin as a PoW) Also I still haven't taken my eyelid to the gym, as you can see beneath if you so desire.

I feel like I've contributed enough now so I'm going to stop typing things.
P.S: please feel free to drop into #sigma. I've put irc on auto-start so I should be around more often.
P.S.S: if you haven't taken the time to, I highly recommend looking at threads between page 7-10, if a thread is closed it's guaranteed to be hilarious.
lead Sigma
Haha, I've literally been doing exactly the same thing these last few days. I had an email the other day about someone trying to login to my AmyPond account, that brought back some memories. I'll get on irc later, I'll do the same and set it to auto-start but I need to re-setup mirc and stuff because I've got a new laptop and shiz. I've even been playing the game a bit recently, it's fun although not a lot seems to have changed and I am absolutely awful at it (not a lot's changed there either), I managed to lose to a guy who was a clearly afk the other day in aikido.

Anyway, I'm Jack and I'm now 19 (which is weird because I'm old enough to be in OLDA but back in the day being old enough for OLDA always felt like a long time away) and I now go to university in Cheltenham. I left home to go to university pretty optimistically, I thought I was going to make loads of new friends and stuff and it was all going to be great but it hasn't really turned out that way. I've struggled to find things in common with people up here, I've always been a bit outdoorsy and into my surfing and things like that but most people here are more interested in going out drinking lots and lots which I enjoy to a certain extent but not to the point where it kind of becomes the centre of your lifestyle. But I study history which is really cool and I'm doing really well in it, I should even be able to achieve a first. When I'm back at home I do a similar job to the one I used to do, I've always worked in a local surf shop but that sadly closed down a year and a half ago so I moved to the competition which is cool, UK people might have heard of it, it's called Anns Cottage Surf Shops. I now surf less and skateboard more. I'm into downhill skateboarding/longboarding which is kind of about throwing yourself down steep hills as fast as you can, it's fun.

As anyone who has me on facebook will probably realise I look no different to how I did when I was 15. I've still got them curly golden locks (they're just not so golden anymore) and I'm yet to develop any kind of facial hair but I'll try and find a recent picture later on.

Found this thread earlier:
As embarrassing as it is, it's kind of cool because it's the first time I really met some of you guys.

Aaaaand I'll catch up with you in irc at some point over the next few days Steve, I'm still a pretty early riser so I'll probably be on most in your evening time I guess.
That's some good nostalgia there, surf. Keeping with the theme of embarrassing threads, there's this great one.

On a more serious note, it sucks to hear that you're not having much luck socially, do you not have friends from high school or anything nearby? It seems that everyone is a big fan of going out and drinking lots and the only people I know that don't are some of my friends from high school that I live with/near. I'm glad to hear that your studies are going well, seeing as that's what really matters for the time being.

PS: I believe I also lost to an AFK person a couple of weeks ago when I tried to play again.
lead Sigma
Hahahaha! That's brilliant!

Well, I'm sort of about 3 hours from home which is where my friends that I grew up with are. I grew up in a pretty small town where everyone knows each other so I think it was a bit of a culture shock coming here. I wouldn't say I don't have friends at uni, it's just I guess I was expecting more from experience if you get what I mean. I get quite bored in the daytime and stuff. I think it's partly my surroundings as well, I'm not really used to town-life and stuff. I dunno, I guess I can't say it's been a bad experience coming here it just hasn't been the really, really awesome experience I was hoping it would be so I can't complain too much.
It's great to hear from you guys, glad to hear you're not dead! I'd love to hear from some of the older guys as well, like maybe Aslask or Mosier. Anyway, here goes nothing...

I'm Ted, or Theodore, or Theo, or Teddy, or whatever you feel is fitting. I'm going to be 19 in two months and two weeks (May 23) and I am currently studying Electrical Engineering at the University of Florida. Managing my time is my biggest problem, because it's hard to balance: Sleep, A social life, games, exercise, school work, cleaning, family time, and regular meals. In fact, as I write this, I should be studying for a Psychology midterm which is in 3 hours, but I deemed this was a better use of my time. Yeah. I have around a 3.2 GPA, which is decent, but not great. I am amidst a playthrough of Pokémon Yellow, otherwise most of my gaming time is spent playing Minecraft. That's about it.

Warning: Scary man inside

P.S. Surf, just a wild idea, befriend these people who like to drink a lot, and if you don't want to join them, offer to designated drive. I dunno, just a thought.
yaaaaaaaay someone else! Good to see you too Stick!

And yeah they are my friends and stuff, I like going out a reasonable amount but I just find that I end up spending a lot of time on my own because it's the only activity most people here engage with, which is fair enough as you're only young once and all that. I should have probably made more effort at the start to join sports clubs and stuff (there's a football and cricket club I should have joined) but I've kind of made a pact with myself to just focus on the work now as I'm halfway through. I'd hate to think that I'd have had a shit time and not got a decent grade at the end of my three years. So I do bring it on myself really so I don't really have much to complain about.

that is me with a traffic cone on my head.

my name is carl and i'm 18 now o7. sat around in my last year of sixth form before i head off to university to study maths. i waste a lot of time not really doing much but i'm still playing bass, doing judo, playing dota 2 and god knows what else. i don't know i'm just sort of here really
<lumpysolo> ermergerd it's jalis <lumpysolo> love u too jalis <3
<jalis> you are worthless <jalis> ignored for my sanity
I'm Tom and I just came back from what is probably my longest break from checking in on Sigma. Over 1 whole week omg.

I've dropped what I was studying and am taking this year to work, make some money, and figure out what I want to do in the future. Currently I am doing grape picking at a local-ish winery and it's great fun. The work is tedious, but it's easy and I get to chat with backpackers from Europe who have cool accents, also I'm a sucker for girls with European accents. Unfortunately it's only for 6-7 weeks so I'll probably be unemployed again in a couple of months.
I haven't drank any alcohol since New Years because reasons. The plan was to go to March 10th sober and I've done that and now I don't know whether I should keep going or not.
Still playing football and tennis, started doing more exercise with weights, feeling pretty okay in general. That's about it.

edit: i can grow facial hair
edit2: i miss all of you guys pls don't go
Last edited by Swarfiga; Mar 13, 2014 at 12:57 PM.
Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
Hi I don't know anyone else here but surfingrocks and auto_man are still sexy. :*

There is no one here who goes by those names.

I kid, I kid, it's such a small world.