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I know one of beat's reasons is your grammar. Maybe he doesn't see you ingame or something.
Yeah i have a bad grammar , only try to understand the spanish , America in spanish is Amèrica we use the acent in some words like more in spanish màs, and the expensive rules of grammar , its hard to understand a second idiom , also we have the letter ñ its n with a line up. probably some of you know a bit of spanish , but make a conversation its hard , because you have to put pronunciation in the words with acent. and other reason its im pretty young and my english teacher is pregnant and she not have conditions for do more class < only the 1st lapse full class and i got a 17 in final note and year note because the pregnant.
so here is the reason of my bad grammar in the english idiom u_u
About he doesn`t meet me in-game , one time but he not see me playing because Beat and me have too much diference in GMT u_u i know that because the 4PM in my country for he is around 12PM-11Pm < IDK exactly.
Thanks for reading :)