View Poll Results: What type of art do you prefer?
Simple and Cartoony
1 Votes / 12.50%
Detailed and Complex
3 Votes / 37.50%
I like them both
4 Votes / 50.00%
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by JenssonFTW View Post
name: bla bla

about me : blabla bla

clan: bla bla bla

and the sentences you will add in yout app: bla bla bla bla bla

The apps are free-form, so he can do anything he wants.

Now for your app:
You forgot stuff like your GMT ( well you told us your country ), past clans and so on. Also you could have written a little bit more about tb related things.
Maybe some members have a bad impression of you because of the posts, but I don't think that your posts were so bad.
I stay neutral with your app.
Originally Posted by Beatzarr View Post
The apps are free-form, so he can do anything he wants.

Now for your app:
You forgot stuff like your GMT ( well you told us your country ), past clans and so on. Also you could have written a little bit more about tb related things.
Maybe some members have a bad impression of you because of the posts, but I don't think that your posts were so bad.
I stay neutral with your app.

Thanks beat for the neutral and past clans were moffia and learn2play. And could you please tell everyone in diamond that i'm sorry for for the first impressions
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
You already did.
And I thought we didn't use neutral cause ik fucks up the system. Or only counts with trial voting?
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Let's forget about this, it's not important at all. Just wait for a few more votes and we'll see what happens.
Neutral for recruitment don't fucks up anything, it's just not a yes and not a no. You don't count it as a vote.
ok. my opinion about he will try to be more mature at 11 years old ... its imposible psychologically its really really hard < like you have a 0,3% for get that or you have unique form to reflect all in the world < or in your life ; in my case i got almost a bit of mature at 12 years old with 9 months with my BODY development ( the years in which your voice change , ,your altitude increase like a boss , and obviusly your perspective of all change , normally that period in the men is located alround the 12-13 years old , and finish in the 15-16 years old and in the 15-16 years old to 18 you probably or yes, you will become and young adult < mature or mature with some problems)

so this is a based study about the body change ... with 11 years its hard ( for not say Very imposible) to be mature about all in you perspective.


and remember its my opinion about that 4-10 words he said < i forgot how much are the words he said.
Signed by PROVENZA
Originally Posted by JenssonFTW View Post
ok. my opinion about he will try to be more mature at 11 years old ... its imposible psychologically its really really hard < like you have a 0,3% for get that or you have unique form to reflect all in the world < or in your life ; in my case i got almost a bit of mature at 12 years old with 9 months with my BODY development ( the years in which your voice change , ,your altitude increase like a boss , and obviusly your perspective of all change , normally that period in the men is located alround the 12-13 years old , and finish in the 15-16 years old and in the 15-16 years old to 18 you probably or yes, you will become and young adult < mature or mature with some problems)

so this is a based study about the body change ... with 11 years its hard ( for not say Very imposible) to be mature about all in you perspective.


and remember its my opinion about that 4-10 words he said < i forgot how much are the words he said.

What are you even talking about?
Boerhae, making a glorious return!