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[Vid]Starry Eyes
Hey look, I made a new video, i'm a quick video maker

Things Used:
Affects of After vCS6
Please work on your free cam, don't stay in one position then transition to the same thing.
CC was.. Well, different. Screen pumps were sorta kinda syncish.
this was a really un-involved edit on your part. looks like you just recorded the replay, slapped some cc and screen pumps on it and then rendered it out

if you really want to get any better, actually spend time making it until you think that it's undeniably good.
Originally Posted by airote View Post
screen pumps 2 slow
generic cnc
bad transitions


getting better, screen pumps were more entertaining than last time and the sync was better, just need some work on your freecam, cc, and how to make it less boring and more appealing. get into velocity or twixtor or whatever you use on ae and make it so it doesn't seem so slow/boring. freecam should also be showing some better angles and should be going in 1 motion rather than going back and forth because that looks weird. 2nd replay was better than the 1st for freecam but both weren't very good
[8:42:14 PM] Δmbien: you've used the same shader
[8:42:18 PM] Δmbien: and cc in your last 4 videos.
[8:42:23 PM] Δmbien: You're videos are too slow.
[8:42:39 PM] Δmbien: and you should use raytracing
[8:42:42 PM] Δmbien: even if you get 1fps
[8:43:48 PM] Δmbien: nvm the raytacing part
[8:43:58 PM] Δmbien: I culdn't tell on the replays with the ecto froce dude
[8:44:00 PM] Δmbien: force*
[8:44:03 PM] Δmbien: and get better replatys
[8:44:05 PM] Δmbien: pleaase

but you're getting better.
I feel the last screen pump shouldn't of been added, it looked kind of pointless, and the transition was LONG so yeah, CnCing on my own work, nothing wrong with that c: