Original Post
Ok now i did it take a look
ok this is a hollow mask not sellin it because is so cool

ok this is a mustang car robot or something maybe 500 tc

ok this is kratos how about 400 tc

well this is some of my works i have lots more but this is ok
hmm have to say personally i would up the price a bit... and... givs mes da hallow head neow! muhahahahaha jkjk great heads though
yah, i guess i would make each one at LEAST 1k, they are nice, and the bleach one is worth at least 5k AT LEAST, that is an amazing head, its really hard to see online what it is though.

*point* rofl, and yes you can, make me one that goes nice with my texture set as practice =) lol.
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triple kick tk.rpl (76.1 KB, 7 views)

Originally Posted by fogle View Post
yah, i guess i would make each one at LEAST 1k, they are nice, and the bleach one is worth at least 5k AT LEAST, that is an amazing head, its really hard to see online what it is though.

so much money for crappy copy/paste and kinda made-by-5-years-old-with-paint heads?

wanna take off shirt and kiss?