Christmas Lottery
Original Post
The Mentors
The polls have been decided, but not so clearly :O
The new mentor for Wushu is, non other than, ofPhailure (cheer)
The new mentor for Aikido is either ofPhridge or Geast
The new mentor for Judo is either Doobiedoo3 or I

For the Aikido and Judo mentors, i have decided that it would be fun to have a little bit of a duel off.
First to 5.
Find eachother ingame and then challenge em and save the replays.
So yar, get cracking
And also, Congrats to OP
Almost nobody voted lol

'Neways, I kinda forgot about this. Thanks for resurrecting it. Gratz Steve!!
Hmm, phridgey a[[ears to have quit TB for a while so geast's aikido now, I'd really like oG to be wushu mentor so we should add in kickbox for me or geast :v
OfPhailure and I vote for me would've voted for me but it closed.
| Knbl.on.TB |
Proud member of Sigma. Proud congregator of BnW.