Ingame Name-MasterMo
How long you have been playing-for about two years oflline because my internet was broke so i had alot if practice but i play online for about two months after i fix my internet
Your Age-14
Timezone and country-central, U.S.A.
Your Best mode-classic
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum(state why/how long if yes)-none
Previous clans (if any)-none
Do you have a sense of humor?- you can say that
personality-im pretty nice and friendly untill someone hurts me physically
Opinion on Furries(why?)-im not sure what you mean,i think its a good word for describing an animal personality for that person if thats what you mean, or do mean that im like a fox and a cat put togther, like a fat or a cox
hahaha or a caot, faot, caox, faox, coat, foat, coax, foax
Pie or cake?-pie
æ? /b/? etc?-
The internet is a serious business?-YES!!! we wouldent be here right now disturbed wouldent be on the internet only in consert!!!
Why you want to join(put some effort into this)-becaus ten thousand fists is a cool song by disturbed and i wouldnt mind make new friends that know disturbed, and i havent been in a clan yet so i want to join and make knew friends