Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
We Serious this time_CL2k15

Yes it's back, and this time we're gonna make it past round 2!!!

I'll sign us up if we can have at least 5 people that will participate in it.

I'll update this thread with more info as time goes on.

Just post bellow if you're interested.
I'm sorry to say this but yea, I can't join,
Maybe PM Dash ? Or do some in-game recruitment ?

Discord : bintangfal
That's alright, I'm sure there's at least 4 people that can play other than me lol.

Dzanks should be fairly active being a new player. Piercedgamer is one of our old members who's come back on a new account, and I'm sure they'll be able to play too.

So far that makes 3 of us, so if two more people could spare some time towards the clan during the summer, that would be much appreciated .
According to dzanks' last match, he maybe not an active in game member
But I wish that he could spent some time during the clan league this year


Discord : bintangfal
Guess what ?
PiercedGamer got permabanned, look at the banlist

I think we have to create an "elite is recruiting" server

Discord : bintangfal
Why was he banned? Also we can't change the members list once it begins so we have to do that ASAP if you want.
I'll look into asking some of our current members if they can help .

And Dash it hasn't started yet but I'll let ya know!
PiercedGamer : apricity

Aaand, just saw hidingwarior's name on banlist, it says that he's hacking
Perma ban. RIP

Discord : bintangfal
That sucks but not much we can do about it.
I pm'd most members about the clan league btw, looking for two more players to help out
sir, lets do a practice server together! we cant know the other kids online time. why we dont PM them or post here and make sure we're online together. sorry i wasnt online i was bsy on the church. but now, lets kck some ass!!!!!!!!
and we cant change the member list??!!

but hope Jesus' with us ({})
btw, i saw one of Tint's threads, they looked us down. and they're filled with crazy guys OMG!!!!!!! But, we have faith! defeat Tint is easy with faith.

Tint isnt the problem, we can beat them. the problem is Alpha.
hope u'll send our best men

Last edited by Jennie; Jun 9, 2015 at 06:53 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump