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How do I postition Uke and Tori so that one is behind the other, but are both facing the same direction?

In other words:

o_ o_
/| /|
/ \ /\
"Look there, Uke!"

Pointy hands lololol.
im not sure you can.......the closest to that would put the engage distance at a negative number so they are uke is behind tori but both are face away from each other.....if there isnt any engage rotaion command in mod making then thats a suggestion for hampa ;);)
Am guessing u can, i saw a replay by Vigilante, ask him or somthing, btw it's "Help" not "Halp", try to watch on in the near future .
it is achieved with commands:

with these two you can set it.try doing /set ingame and play with it...
Originally Posted by TheSev View Post
Am guessing u can, i saw a replay by Vigilante, ask him or somthing, btw it's "Help" not "Halp", try to watch on in the near future .

Lol? Thanks for the advice I guess. Hm... I tried the rotation and position things, rotation is useless, position could probably do it but all I could do was make Uke hover above me.
If you're having trouble with the engageplayerpos and engageplayerrot settings, this post might help. You might've already figured out what the settings mean, though.

Oh, and engageplayerrot might only allow certain types of rotation, but you seem to have already found that out.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Go to Game Rules, and find "engageplayerpos", and input one of the following values: (Only the numbers and commas)
0,1,0,0,0,0 -- This will make you stand behind Uke at 100 distance
0,0,0,0,1,0 -- This will make Uke stand behind you at 100 distance
The 1 can be changed to have a different engage distance; just divide the desired distance by 100 and input that number instead of the 1. Quite nifty actually. I won't go around explaining things, seeing that 3vi1 posted a fine link right there...
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