who... EFlame08 you application is like 100 times better than that from gubsy and redtomato1. you even know what to say at: How long do you play.
Not that i can decide anythign on you joining or not but i'm already licking you now.
(And we could use some users that are active at the time you posted this.)
We're invite only so come find us ingame, if we think you're up to joining, then you'll get an invite. Check the Members/Roster thread, see who's high-rank in this clan, pwn them, get an invite. ;)
Proud memeber of (and Google for) [o] BlakNWyte can't spell.
We're invite only so come find us ingame, if we think you're up to joining, then you'll get an invite. Check the Members/Roster thread, see who's high-rank in this clan, pwn them, get an invite. ;)