Originally Posted by
Here's a video comparing some aspects of schools to those of prisons.
[Citation needed]
Going to go ahead and respond to these 1 by 1
1. "Outdoor time"
First thing I notice is the weasel word,
Many prisons mandate that inmates get 2 hours outside everyday
most kids get less than an hour
Can't really stick
many or
most to an actual number or percentage, the next thing said is
"30% of kids get less than 15 minutes" That's kind of silly even if it is true, when I go to school the reason I don't get much "outside time" is because I'm involved in groups/clubs that I enjoy going to more than I would spending an hour outside doing stuff.
Plus in prison you're there the entire day, not just ~5,6,7 hours in schools, when you're out of school you have the option to go outside for another 5,6,7 hours and do things. Much more time than 2 hours.
2. Degrees
This one hurts my brain, it's literally different wording for similar cases.
"Federal law requires prisons to offer GED courses"
"In the U.S students are not required to finish a high school diploma"
this one is so badly worded that it physically hurts.
Let me switch around the wording.
Federal law requires schools to offer a high school diploma.
In the U.S prisoners are not required to finish GED courses.
The weasel wording is so real.
"in Oklahoma a higher percentage of inmates have GEDs than ordinary free citizens" How about
the rest of the world? Pretty sure only Oklahoma was mentioned because it's the only example they could find, selective reporting is fun.
3. Food
instead of writing this down I'm just going to assume you read it, plus I don't really have much to write about the amount of calories and other things the body needs because I don't know much about it.
I feel like this data is out-dated, here where I live schools don't serve milk at all. Plus students have access to food from home, unlike prisoners who's only food is from the prison cafe.
"School lunches don't
usually have meat and don't include both fruits and veggies"
Man I really like these weasel words
I eat veggies in my sandwiches in lunch often, and I've seen others as-well, I also eat fruits during lunch, but children are fussier eaters than adults, so children may not enjoy veggies, so why would they eat it when they could have food they enjoy?
"Meaning, on average, prisoners' food costs less and is more well-balanced"
Not going to say anything, because I know little about this subject...
4. Budget
".......Costs the U.S 6.3 Billion per year, the U.S education budget is 138 billion per year. That sounds like alot more, but the average annual cost per student: $11,000, the average annual cost per inmate: 22,000"
Again, not going to comment on much because I don't know much, but schools look after kids for 5-7 hours, prisons look after them the entire day.
Last edited by imaSlayaa; Aug 18, 2015 at 10:07 AM.
Reason: Grammar corrections