Christmas Lottery
Original Post

My first video called spit fire.Took me a day and a half to find the right song and replays.please be honest but not harsh.

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Last edited by saintowar; Dec 5, 2008 at 03:31 PM.
Its a bit slow at times, and laggy too ? might be due to youtube. Camera angles arent that awesome either ( not throughout but sometimes.. )

its better than that video you made A WHILE ago though ;)

replays were cool btw *admires Ern*
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
It was bad :/. Why? Here:
1.You spelt EchoMarine wrong
2.The video was only: Music, Text and Replays. That's nothing amazing.
3.Only video effect was fading to black. You could add some more effects though.
4.Replays weren't so amazing( not that I can make better). You should make something like 4 player replays.
5.You found the right song so you should made it fit >.>
6.There was that [Game] box in left down corner wich was in few replays there.
My thought:
This video seemed like: You added text, made a few screenshots and added text to them, then recorded replays with moving camera in "cool" and "goodviev" way. Then you put all that together and added Thanks for Watching text at the end. You found a song and just put it there.

I wanted to be honest and nice.

You could do better for your first try and you should ask EchoMarine for help. You could do better, but you didn't. Video wasn't so bad actually, it was something between bad-neat.
It was just a littel typo.and I tryed my best and next time it will be better I hope.I cant make amazing videos like Rutzor,Chezda,or Mosier when I just started.They all made alot of videos and they all got better.And thats what im trying to do.
Originally Posted by saintowar View Post
It was just a littel typo.and I tryed my best and next time it will be better I hope.I cant make amazing videos like Rutzor,Chezda,or Mosier when I just started.They all made alot of videos and they all got better.And thats what im trying to do.

Yeah I know, but mostly shit happens to videos, because many people are making awesome videos. Like FNugget. So they are hungry for more epic videos. Also replays with two players are getting boring. Don't take it to your heart :]
Originally Posted by Danvari View Post
It was bad :/. Why? Here:
2.The video was only: Music, Text and Replays.

That's what a video is supposed to be.
Originally Posted by maldiluna View Post
That's what a video is supposed to be.

People like to see pretty explosions and effects though.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when