Original Post
[Origin] Player cards for free
so as you may know(or may not know), I am creating player cards for the clan!
the card is simple to do like this card that i did:

pretty cool right?
what i want from you is to tell me the outside color and the inside color
and tell me what name do you want to add aswell.
also tell me the move you want.

Requests start now.
Moataz had permission from me, so anybody who thinks they are just allowed to post threads - no. Also for a request, I want the outside color red, inside black/dark, and name I want is CalumFionn:
Then think of a cool name for me.
Pose: Like the we need you sign. with my fist pointing out and the other arm in a punching/fight stance kinda thing.
i suck

Outside : Noxious
Inside: black with noise

Name: Think one for me. Make it good

I want a good pose. Almost like Calum
~#1 Shittiest Shitposter of TP 2016~
Ex Co-Leader of Origin