Ingame Name- iPingu
Belt- Black belt, almost 2nd dan :)
How long you have been playing- Errr.... I think since 2.7 or something
Your Age- 13
Timezone and country- GMT +1 and The Netherlands
Your Best mode- I think that would be judo/aikido/wushu/kickbox.
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum(state why/how long if yes)- Noep.
Previous clans (if any)- FSN :)
Do you have a sense of humor? Ohhellyes :D
personality- You no dat rite!
Opinion on Furries(why?)- I am one :P So mah opinion is veerryyy positive :D
Pie or cake?- CAAEEEKKKK
æ? /b/? etc?- æ.
The internet is a serious business?- :O Sometimes :P
Why you want to join(put some effort into this)- Because you know I'm awesome :P