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Born Gay
Whether sexual orientation is a trait we are born with (nature) or is caused by the environment we are raised in (nurture) has been debated by scientists, religious leaders, elected officials, and the general public.

Proponents argue that sexual orientation, much like handedness or tongue curling, is determined by natural, immutable biological factors such as genes or hormones, and therefore gay people should be entitled to the same legal rights and protections as other human beings.

Opponents argue that homosexuality is a reversible and unfortunate lifestyle choice resulting from poor child-parent relationships, sexual abuse, brainwashing by pro-gay influences, or other developmental causes. Some contend that gay people should be denied marriage, discrimination protection, and social and religious acceptance.

TL ; DR Do you think human beings are born gay, or do they develop these traits from their lifestyle?
You opened the SpaghettiO's, now you gotta sniff them.
There hasn't been any evidence that people are born gay, so I personally would believe that it could be based on environment factors or something like that. I think those that are gay 'become' gay very early on, resulting in their realization of sexual orientation later in life however. Ultimately, why does it even matter?

Gay people don't have a choice whether or not they want to be gay; that's just the way it is. There is no 'reversal process', and anyone who claims there is, is a religious fanatic. It's not like a gay person just decides one day, "Hm, I'm gay". It's a gradual thing that people come to realize, some earlier, some later. It's stupid to restrict rights on someone who can't control who they are. It's the same argument people used to slave black people, based on religious texts and the sort.

"Brainwashing by pro-gay influences" is just laughable. Tons of people grow up in areas where you are specifically taught that it is wrong to be gay, and end up being gay anyways. Someone's sexuality isn't your business, and everyone deserves the same basic rights, regardless of their sexuality or race.
Whether someone who is gay accepts it or doesn't. They don't have a choice. Doctors referred to homosexuality as a disease when it came to scientific diagnosis until the 1970's. But is no longer viewed that way.

There is no proof of it being genetic, being born that way, or how you were raised. So no one can say for certain. Which is why this whole discussion will turn religious, and not the best.

I honestly don't know. But i sure as hell know homosexuality isn't a choice. That is all.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Being gay is basically like having a different taste of music than your friend. You cant change the fact that you are gay, but you can influence the type of person you are. Such as some people closet their sexuality until they are older and more mature, others prefer to come out early on and show that is who they are.

The people that try and take the rights of gay couples are ridiculous. They are doing that only because they believe it is wrong. The point of being married to most people is you have a large amount of love with someone and you wanna make that bond stronger. But in reality if you get married, you are a liability for your partner. If your partner is hospitalized, who makes the important decisions if they cannot? Their husband or wife in most cases, and if gay couples never get those rights then their partner cannot make that decision.
Originally Posted by Kyure View Post
There hasn't been any evidence that people are born gay, so I personally would believe that it could be based on environment factors or something like that. I think those that are gay 'become' gay very early on, resulting in their realization of sexual orientation later in life however. Ultimately, why does it even matter?

Gay people don't have a choice whether or not they want to be gay; that's just the way it is. There is no 'reversal process', and anyone who claims there is, is a religious fanatic. It's not like a gay person just decides one day, "Hm, I'm gay". It's a gradual thing that people come to realize, some earlier, some later. It's stupid to restrict rights on someone who can't control who they are. It's the same argument people used to slave black people, based on religious texts and the sort.

"Brainwashing by pro-gay influences" is just laughable. Tons of people grow up in areas where you are specifically taught that it is wrong to be gay, and end up being gay anyways. Someone's sexuality isn't your business, and everyone deserves the same basic rights, regardless of their sexuality or race.

I'd like to refute the fact that there is no evidence that people are born gay.
Originally Posted by Kyure View Post
There hasn't been any evidence that people are born gay, so I personally would believe that it could be based on environment factors or something like that. I think those that are gay 'become' gay very early on, resulting in their realization of sexual orientation later in life however. Ultimately, why does it even matter?

I've known many fully grown adults who have grown up in a normal setting, have mothered or fathered children and have since found themselves attracted to the same sex, or the opposite sex as well. I find it difficult to believe that people's environments affect their sexual orientation/s. It may of course change the way they act, what they believe in, etcetera, but I don't see how it could change their fundamental nature.

Originally Posted by Kyure View Post
Gay people don't have a choice whether or not they want to be gay; that's just the way it is. There is no 'reversal process', and anyone who claims there is, is a religious fanatic. It's not like a gay person just decides one day, "Hm, I'm gay". It's a gradual thing that people come to realize, some earlier, some later. It's stupid to restrict rights on someone who can't control who they are. It's the same argument people used to slave black people, based on religious texts and the sort.

I think that it's pretty sad how some people act negatively towards openly expressive homosexuals. I won't go ahead and say that I myself have never had negative thoughts towards the notions of homosexuality, but I do openly try to understand the notion and treat people as I would anyone else.

Originally Posted by Tourneymun
Do you think human beings are born gay, or do they develop these traits from their lifestyle?

It's possible to display the traits of what some may declare as "gay" and still be inclined towards attraction of the opposite sex. Saying that "this girl that holds herself like a man must be a lesbian", or "that guy must be gay because he has makeup on", are totally inaccurate. There are many 'straight-looking' people that are 100% queer. Sexuality is but a tiny speck on the frying pan that is a world of differences.

I'd like to point out that this is all speculation and no actual hard evidence.

If people are born gay, please explain why there are numerous cases where people who have been straight all their lives come out and vice verse, as well as go back and forth.

but some teams were unable to replicate the findings and the actual genes have not been found

Rice and his colleagues suggested that such unerased epi-marks might lead to homosexuality

the study would also be “more convincing” if the team could link the regions showing epigenetic differences to testosterone sensitivity in the womb.

Last edited by Dscigs; Feb 16, 2016 at 02:46 AM.
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
I'd like to point out that this is all speculation and no actual hard evidence.

If people are born gay, please explain why there are numerous cases where people who have been straight all their lives come out and vice verse, as well as go back and forth.

Bisexuality basically, along with other sexuality's where people have hard times finding ways to explain themselves with their preferences.
Originally Posted by Deuteria View Post
Saying that "this girl that holds herself like a man must be a lesbian", or "that guy must be gay because he has makeup on", are totally inaccurate.

I'd disagree entirely with this. Stereotypes exist for a reason, and 'gaydar' does kind of exist. Is it accurate 100% of time? Of course not. But more often than not, I am able to tell if someone is gay. Whether it be the way the talk, or walk, or he way they dress, there are ways to know. It is stereotypical yes, but true.
Originally Posted by Tourneymun View Post
Proponents argue that sexual orientation, much like handedness or tongue curling, is determined by natural, immutable biological factors such as genes or hormones, and therefore gay people should be entitled to the same legal rights and protections as other human beings.

Opponents argue that homosexuality is a reversible and unfortunate lifestyle choice resulting from poor child-parent relationships, sexual abuse, brainwashing by pro-gay influences, or other developmental causes. Some contend that gay people should be denied marriage, discrimination protection, and social and religious acceptance.

That is the crux of the matter. Many people let their confirmation bias take over. There is no consensus either way, and for laypeople to argue it is not helpful.

So what evidence do we have? Well we know from various twin studies that it is not purely genetic.

Originally Posted by Kyure View Post
There hasn't been any evidence that people are born gay, so I personally would believe that it could be based on environment factors or something like that. I think those that are gay 'become' gay very early on, resulting in their realization of sexual orientation later in life however. Ultimately, why does it even matter?

I doubt there is little if any evidence to support that conjecture. For the most part if a child is labeled as "gay" (or any LGBT orientation beyond the gender they were born with) then it's because of the parents.

Originally Posted by Kyure View Post
Gay people don't have a choice whether or not they want to be gay; that's just the way it is. There is no 'reversal process', and anyone who claims there is, is a religious fanatic. It's not like a gay person just decides one day, "Hm, I'm gay". It's a gradual thing that people come to realize, some earlier, some later. It's stupid to restrict rights on someone who can't control who they are. It's the same argument people used to slave black people, based on religious texts and the sort.

Again I doubt there is any evidence to support that conjecture. Any and all behaviours are modifiable, sexual attraction can be manipulated like anything else.

What's more I think that slavery analogy is complete bullshit. Black slaves were used because of availability, not because of a conscious decision to restrict rights. Don't forget that whites weren't the only ones to buy black slaves from black slavers, and nor were all slaves black even in the west. The argument "for" slavery is that they were sold as slaves, and actually in the US you could even frame it as religious people freeing slaves if you really wanted to...

Originally Posted by Kyure View Post
"Brainwashing by pro-gay influences" is just laughable. Tons of people grow up in areas where you are specifically taught that it is wrong to be gay, and end up being gay anyways. Someone's sexuality isn't your business, and everyone deserves the same basic rights, regardless of their sexuality or race.

Again, I don't think that is true. Children are easily influenced, I recommend you read up on the topic before forming an opinion: There is little study done in the area.

Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Whether someone who is gay accepts it or doesn't. They don't have a choice. Doctors referred to homosexuality as a disease when it came to scientific diagnosis until the 1970's. But is no longer viewed that way.

There is no proof of it being genetic, being born that way, or how you were raised. So no one can say for certain. Which is why this whole discussion will turn religious, and not the best.

I honestly don't know. But i sure as hell know homosexuality isn't a choice. That is all.

If there's no evidence yet you are sure, then you are exhibiting confirmation bias of the highest order.

But let's take your argument for a second and look at it, why are you so sure that homosexuality isn't a choice in lieu of evidence? Actually, why are pro-LGBT supporters so sure of it? It seems to me they are trying to eschew responsibility. If it's not a choice, if it was determined by God, then they don't have to own it, they don't have to answer to anyone. Why does this even matter? Why do they not want to be responsible for their own sexual fetishes? I would say that many LGBT have a persecution complex or are simply immature. Instead of just saying "yeah I like people of the same sex, so what?" they have to make excuses. This is a lot more worrying and important than nature vs nurture.
Originally Posted by Kyure View Post
I'd disagree entirely with this. Stereotypes exist for a reason, and 'gaydar' does kind of exist. Is it accurate 100% of time? Of course not. But more often than not, I am able to tell if someone is gay. Whether it be the way the talk, or walk, or he way they dress, there are ways to know. It is stereotypical yes, but true.

That is quite a homophobic thing to say.

Sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation are all unique and orthogonal.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Feb 16, 2016 at 03:03 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff