Haha. No one seems to have time to leave some critique for you buddy, so I'll help you out
I had a quick look at a few, work on your balance and dont just throw attacks whenever you get the chance. Read what your opponent is doing and cooperate a lil with them ^-^ I noticed in the spar with Snifall you both just decided to faint for a couple seconds whenever one of you got touched on the head, or around it.. really not necessary, but it does look very funny rofl. Just my advice, but neither of you should ever faint or K.O. unless its a hard hit and you want to end the spar.
Anyway, from what I can see, you need some more fluidity. Try to chain everything together, this is especially important when you want to make a combo. Then it's not just like (Punch... Punch... Slow hook kick...) and its more like (Punch - Punch - Hook kick). I think it would be a good idea to try and get into doing some tricking, because then you'll really be able to understand how your Tori works a little better and how to keep chaining all your momentum through each attack. just kinda blabbering here, hope i helped a little bit man :D