Christmas Lottery
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Which religion's mythology is most fun?
Ok, first of all, this is not about any sort of morals, or about justifications as to why religions are correct/incorrect. If you want to talk about that go do it in a youtube comment section, not here. Secondly we are probably going to stick to polytheistic religions, because they tend to have much more interesting mythology.

So, which religion do you think is the most fun or interesting to study? This includes (and will probably focus on) ancient religions like Greek, Egyptian and Norse mythology, but you could also argue the case of more modern religions like Hinduism (I have no idea how old Hinduism is, by modern I mean that is is relevant today).

I understand that some of these religions have many different sub-cults and inconsistencies, and that working out when one religion turns into another is sometimes quite difficult, so for now I think we will do it by how the layman would categorise the religion (The Sun God Ra and the creator god of craftsmen Ptah are just Egyptian gods. The worshippers of each are not considered separate even though there was beef there over whether Ra was self created).

Hopefully at the end of this we will all have learnt some interesting things about various mythologies.

You don't need to know what you are talking about to participate, we will work out if what we are saying has any truth to it as we go along. We are not all scholars of historical theology, in fact I doubt any of us are. Just be ready wiki search stuff and try not to take this too seriously.

I am going to be arguing the side of Egyptian mythology because Ra is dope and all the gods are gods of an illogical amount of stuff and wear silly hats and turn into different forms (usually involving animal heads) at different times of day. It all seems so pick and mix and I love that. I mean, imagine having a creator god whose name is as fun to say as "Ptah!" and who just happens to be the god of craftsmen and architects as well

I am going to make a stand that Greek/Roman mythology is the least fun their gods were far too personified for god's which do the amount of weird shit as they do. I find it more creepy than interesting. It's ok for a hero to not be the son of the literal king of gods guys, why is Zeus such a little fuckboy? The titans were cool I guess, although I don't remember much about them.

I feel like Norse or Hindu mythology might win me over eventually, because Norse seems slightly less chaotic than Egyptian mythology, and although the gods are personified, they have a lot more gravitas than the campy sex pest Greek gods. Plus, the serpent thing eating its own tail and the world ending when it lets go is awesome. Hinduism looks fun for the same reason as I like the Egyptian god's. There are so many spirits and gods which involve themselves in all aspects of life. Whatever you are doing there is a god on your side somewhere.
Last edited by Zelda; Mar 19, 2016 at 06:30 PM.
Good morning sweet princess
I would say Greek, I am a lunatic on Greek Mythology its literally amazing.You should have most fun with it!
RIP TGS 2013 - 2019

I'm also a fan of Greek mythology. The whole thing is basically a tale of Zeus' sexual escapades and his refusal to take responsibility for his actions. However, Norse mythology is filled with more weirdness, such as Loki having a horsechild, a god being licked out of a giant ice cube by a magic cow, and one giant all-female orgy that somehow made a child.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Greek Mythology will probably be everyone's fav. Since that's what comes to mind then they here "Mythology".

Greek and Roman Mythology is my favorite (surprise surprise). I love how ridiculous the stories are and how some of the gods/goddesses were born. From being born from the skull of your father while in a full suit of armor, to rising from the blood of a creature. It's all entertaining and amuses me to read about them. I took a class last year that was all Greek and Roman mythology (mainly Greek) and it was a lot of fun.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
I'm also a fan of Greek mythology. The whole thing is basically a tale of Zeus' sexual escapades and his refusal to take responsibility for his actions. However,

Zeus be seducing those lovely ladies in the shape of a bull or swan, and then rapes them. Good Times...
Last edited by WeooWeoo; Mar 19, 2016 at 07:55 PM.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I don't know much of the mythology, but I'm pretty taken with hinduism in general. I vaguely remember one of the stories I've heard but I can't remember any names, so bear with me.

One of the chief deities is out for a walk when he decides he wants to see his wife. Well, she's taking a bath and has instructed her son to let nobody in. So, when the father approaches where she's taking a bath, his son will not let him any further. This really angers the father, and he ends up chopping off his son's head.

As you might imagine, she's quite upset with him for beheading their son. So, she makes him go out and find a new head for their son. The father goes into the forest and cuts the head off of the first thing he sees, which is an elephant. He takes the elephant's head and puts it on his son's body, and so now you have a god with a human body and an elephant's head.

So yeah, pretty cool mythology (although that's about all i remember of it). Imo the religion in general is waaaaaaaaaay cooler, since there's pretty much a god for everything, and it's a very open and tolerant religion (used very very loosely). Everyone kinda worshiping their own way. Heck, if you were to introduce Jesus to a hindu, there's a possibility they'll accept Jesus and then incorporate him into the rest of what they believe in.
Are we sticking with Ancient mythology such as greek, egyptian, roman, etc? Or are we including modern day religions such as Hinduism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism?
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
I'm also a fan of Greek mythology. The whole thing is basically a tale of Zeus' sexual escapades and his refusal to take responsibility for his actions. However, Norse mythology is filled with more weirdness, such as Loki having a horsechild, a god being licked out of a giant ice cube by a magic cow, and one giant all-female orgy that somehow made a child.

I feel like the Greek gods are too human though. It makes the interesting silly parts seem out of place. It feels too much like a sitcom. I don't know enough about norse mythology to comment. I used to listen to a cassette tape about it as a kid when I went to bed to make me sleepy, so I still remember some of the stories vaguely. Presumably they omitted the huge lesbian orgy though.

I just like religion to be a bit more crazy than what the Greeks had. The Egyptians had four distinct creation myths, each attributing the creation of the universe to different gods. If two gods were too similar they just combined them. If you imagine the Hindu concept of several gods representing the same aspect of a single god and squared that so almost every god has its aspects represented as other gods. Ra would take the form of two gods depending on whether it is sunrise or sunset, but he also has an aspect which was a combination with the younger form of Horus who is symbolically linked with sunrise. There is also Atum-Ra, who was the first god in one of the four creation stories. There was also Amun-Ra, who is the creator god of one of the other creation stories (in fact Amun is a creator god in two of them, but in one story he is two of eight creator gods). I could go into a lot more detail. He also merged with the god of the underworld Osiris, who was the god of resurrection and the underworld. Now Osiris Was the brother of Horus (remember him?) the elder, but father to Horus the younger (whom Ra is associated with at sunrise).

Do you see what I mean. I find this stuff fascinating to try to get my head around. Their attitude to gods was so cynical. If two gods were popular at the same time they just combined them to avoid conflicts developing and them moved on.
Originally Posted by MoldyRobot View Post
Are we sticking with Ancient mythology such as greek, egyptian, roman, etc? Or are we including modern day religions such as Hinduism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism?

Second paragraph of thread description\/
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
So, which religion do you think is the most fun or interesting to study? This includes (and will probably focus on) ancient religions like Greek, Egyptian and Norse mythology, but you could also argue the case of more modern religions like Hinduism (I have no idea how old Hinduism is, by modern I mean that is is relevant today).

Last edited by Zelda; Mar 20, 2016 at 02:02 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Good morning sweet princess
I am honestly a fan of the Egyptian mythology. It is so intriguing to me on how the people celebrated and the reasoning for it.
Norse mythology is my favorite. The stories of each god are so in depth and linked pretty well such as with Fenrir and the other main gods like Odin and Tyr. All of norse mythology is just some big Book series of a bunch of big muscly dudes fighting weird shit. Overall their mythology is interesting (their beliefs of dying in battle, not as interesting).

I would have gone with greek if not for most of it being based on a guy eating a bunch of his own kids, greeks are p fucked up.

just gonna leave this here
Originally Posted by binding of fenrir
When the gods presented Fenrir with the curiously light and supple Gleipnir, the wolf suspected trickery and refused to be bound with it unless one of the gods would lay his or her hand in his jaws as a pledge of good faith. None of the gods agreed, knowing that this would mean the loss of a hand and the breaking of an oath. At last, the brave Tyr, for the good of all life, volunteered to fulfill the wolf’s demand. And, sure enough, when Fenrir discovered that he was unable to escape from Gleipnir, he chomped off and swallowed Tyr’s hand.

Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18