Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[SIZE="4"]The Story

Well the story is pretty simple. Me the leader, and Ace14 the other leader, got really really bored of [SPAZ]. It had no clan members ever getting online. Me and him were the only ones playing wushu! So after about two weeks, we said screw it. This is boring, lets create our OWN clan. We have the money, and we have the fame! Ace and me are going to make this the best clan by having a activity rule. If you are not active for less then a week, unless you are somewhere other wise that you have contacted me, then you are out.
This is just due to the amount of player loss that a clan can get. So now its up to you, if we should be a pretty good clan.


OK our aim is to recognize the players that have no clue what they're doing by teaching them the basics of Tori Bash and the fighting techniques.If we teach them then they will become strong. Very very strong. To me i like strong players. Hope you enjoy our aim.


The requirements for [ZERO]:

1) MUST: be a blue belt or over to join. Unless you are a friend of mine, a very good one..

2) Must be active and i must know about it:

3) Be good at one REAL mod such as: Judo;Wushu;Sambo;Aikido; and TaeKwon.

Last 4) Obey all tori bash rules.


Reason For the clan.

I know this isnt one of the requirements for the clan but i must put it. We [ZERO] Clan are proud to be in zero. Some of us have donated much money and some of us are just great friends! We are friendly and fun! We are great to get along with and if their is any problem, we can fix it. We never stay mad at each other and never can be sad. Thanks, [ZERO]

Last edited by Keaton; Feb 14, 2009 at 07:00 AM.
2 things, 1- i dont know, some guy said it, i never said anything. But if its true lets keep working man! uhm yeah i want to check out this Kost \a guy, but hes on the list for now. 2- Good job on getting able to post on the forums.

Kosta- your on now.

caca3230 i am very sorry it is just the stress i had to go through all day that day. We recruited like 5 people, some left, some came. gah its hard work man. but im holding a meeting today sometime about getting a co leader for zero.

be on the look out for any updates.
Its because izzy sent me a pm asking to join bouncy, i rejected him, so he pmed me saying that thats fine, he joined this one anyway, ant that its better than bncy.

I'm just here to check out the competition :D
