Original Post
[S] Rare HQ Heads
Bought these from Diamond so they are valuable.
Tc only.
Adding more heads soon.
Not letting this one go so easily but I need the tc.

Tractus Galea By Vitiek


Asymmetric By Tyler112


Last edited by Cartier; Jun 7, 2016 at 08:17 PM.
I am just an icon livin'
why are you asking so much for the asymmetric head. Diamond bought it for 50k and you tripled it to 150k, when its not even good compared to most art. i offer 20k for it
Lol. I don't do it by how much it's worth.
I do it by the offers I've gotten when I wore them.
I am just an icon livin'
Marketing by offers is one thing. But doing it to the rest for no reason looks awful. Over priced by far. 30k for Jusmi

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