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[S] Lots of Joints
Hai i wanna sell full body joints but the problem is that
the Wrists are missing
Its full body but i dont have the wrists

Minimum offer 80k
They are 128x

Lets listen
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
more these joints will go for at least 100k+
Becuse full joints is 130k on market
so im missing the wrists so it will go around 100k+
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
Yea its minimum becuze i didnt wanted for people to think that "Why did this guy put minimum offer 100k" I know that the joints are worth for 110k or 105k but i coulndt say that directly cuz no one would buy them so i thought if peeps do a little duel they would go to a high price.
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
Originally Posted by denilumi View Post
Yea its minimum becuze i didnt wanted for people to think that "Why did this guy put minimum offer 100k" I know that the joints are worth for 110k or 105k but i coulndt say that directly cuz no one would buy them so i thought if peeps do a little duel they would go to a high price.

Yeah, I understand but you have to respect the minimum bid if you add one
Should we wait 24h to see if someone offers higher?
look im really looking for at least 100k
cuz i need them
i dont think i might sell it for 80k
sorry bud :3
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO be honestly, full 128 joint sold for around 110k

yours not full yet and this is not market

I'll offer to you 85k
Want to buy Raider force?
well then it might be as u say but im not selling it for 85k i will only sell it for 95-105k
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO