For my curiosity, what is the reason you're being homeschooled, and are you getting to socialise with other kids regularly outside of it (in real life too)?
We go to school to learn shit, yes, but we also go there to develop our interpersonal skills. Homeschooled kids aren't surrounding by hundreds of kids around their own age, so when they do end interacting with the other kids in their university/college/job, they'll be a few steps, socially, behind - So that's something they're going to have to end up working on (or else they'll spend their life as an antisocial loner).
If you think you might end up falling into that category, I'd suggest you start taking some actions to prevent this from happening. To meet people, start doing a sport (why not jiu jitsu) multiple times a week or join a youth club or something (I've never joined one, but I hear they fk like rabbits there). Internet relationships aren't good enough for effective socialisation, gotta find the real shit.
Last edited by Ele; Jan 26, 2017 at 02:21 AM.