Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Auction Robot texture Set [Start 10k]
Version 1:

Version 2:

Auctioning Texture of Robot:
You can chooose from the 2 different versions, with dents and cuts ; or without them
Recoloring is possible
I've been working on this texture all this week (hence the price =P)
All details drawn by hand too
Starting big : 10 k Tc
Min Raise 5k Tc
Autobuy 100k Tc
Head fixed here is a preview
Last edited by sal911; Jan 10, 2009 at 05:30 PM.
Your prices are insanely high for this set. The back of the head doesn't even connect right and neither do the legs.

If those would be fixed, an autobuy of 50k - 100k would be ok, with a starting bid of 10k.
Whoop Whoop
To tell you the truth sal that set is worth 20-30k.
And other time take a normal Shader Picture.
And even so there's a seam at the back of the head.
Good Luck Selling.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
it was made for my 200k is really worth 50k not 100k i see it took much time but it is not goodenough for 100k.some darjak's verydetailed sets were sold for 100k >>
I'm [Addicted]
We-ell... Nice set, but the head is insanely seamed. I would recommend an autobuy at 20-30k. And the head really pulls down.
that is epic.

The seem needs to go though.

Not a hard fix, just put a metallic band over it or something,

First copy one half then flip image then paste, Repeat for other side. Then the back should be in the middle with the front on the sides. Also, can i have 1 still image? All the moving is just too much! XD
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]