Christmas Lottery
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Daily clan avhievements/quests
There should be like daily clan achievements which give xp depending on how hard the achievement was, like 1 achievements each day and if a clan is not able to do it then it will stop at 3 ahievements till you finish one and being able to replace one with another if its too hard to do

It could be like
Do 5 clan wars
Do 3 clan wars
Win 5 clan wars
And maybe to change some stuff up then like
Do 5 clan wars in lenshu
Win 2 clan wars in judofrac
Do first to 20 wars

That could just change some stuff in wars which will be great
I support, very helpful for the top clans to maintain their position and not be overtaken by newer clans due to the lack of achievements left to obtain.
Ye true thats one of the main reasons I suggested this because begainer clans have so much achievements to farm and get to 1st place while older clans which have gotten most of the achievemnts can't get enough xp to stay at top
Originally Posted by Jere View Post
Way too easy to farm. Not supported.

How is it easy to farm?
Every clan will get 1 daily achevemnt and if they dont get the achievement for 3 days then they can't get more till they finish one
And plus it will boost the activity of clans because they will have stuff to do rather then just do simple wars
Last edited by Clint; Apr 4, 2018 at 04:49 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Supported, I'm sure it will boost activity and make clans more competitive.
Could also have something like: "Win <specific clan> in a clan war." and that clan would have the same quest for the opposing clan.
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Originally Posted by Haluejah View Post
Supported, I'm sure it will boost activity and make clans more competitive.
Could also have something like: "Win <specific clan> in a clan war." and that clan would have the same quest for the opposing clan.

But if that clan wont war , the achieemnts will get stuck will have to wait a day to skip it
Vanish to get the daily clan achievement they must first Fix the daily rewards one :/
Why would humans have arms when they do have legs?
Originally Posted by Vanish View Post
But if that clan wont war , the achieemnts will get stuck will have to wait a day to skip it

You could possible have a feature where you can 'skip' one of the daily quests so to speak, to avoid situations like that. Possibly cap this at once per day so it doesn't get abused.
Awesome idea Vanish. Totally supported.

There will be more friendly rivalry between the top clans. Racing each other on getting XP with daily rewards makes it so the clan really gotta be active every day and not only do like 10 wars in one day, then the whole week to not war. Hope it gets implemented.
Originally Posted by Hikou View Post
You could possible have a feature where you can 'skip' one of the daily quests so to speak, to avoid situations like that. Possibly cap this at once per day so it doesn't get abused.

Ye i did mention a skip button in the original post
Maybe you didnt saw it cuz of my crappy english xD