Original Post
Reunir a comunidade brasileira
Seria legal reunir todos os brasileiros como antigamente em uma sala brasileira PUBLICA como antigamente. Os brasileiros estão muito separados um dos outros
Followed by what i understand from google translate, you want to make a public server for brazillian... No one said that you can't do that tho, you can make a server do a global to make it as public server that dictates it is only for brazilian.
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
I support the idea of bringing back those rooms like "br" "fr" and so on tbh, it also helps new players meet new players which speak their natives languages too
In the case this happens, this would be unfair for the Russian or Spanish community..

Not supported.

Why would you have many different servers with different languages/cultures.

That would separate the community between different regions, and that's not the point.
I support the idea of bringing back those rooms like "br" "fr" and so on

It means not only brazilian server or french server but the others one too

And i don't think this can separate the community
Can someone translate fist post?

But anyway...since we cant have bots you cant have 24/7 rooms i wouldent expect toribash to make a official room for every country in the world... So not supported

But, if it wouldent be to coplicated i would like to see a room for every country in the world. Official like
Pm me for deals
Originally Posted by Mateo View Post
Why would you have many different servers with different languages/cultures.

That would separate the community between different regions, and that's not the point.

Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
since we cant have bots you cant have 24/7 rooms i wouldent expect toribash to make a official room for every country in the world...

That's the point.

Why would you have different servers for each community?

You can still make a public server.

Also, it's not forbidden to speak other languages in public servers.
Some time ago there was some public rooms for specific countries, i remember of "br" and "fr" and it was really nice because new guys could ask for help and chat in their native language with other experienced guys, was like a nice start for them. :']
This is one of the reasons i'm still here discussing about it, but if people can't see this point so nvm
Last edited by Yoda; May 27, 2018 at 09:37 PM.