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Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
For some reason i dont get the hype that comes with Metal.

Anyone who shares my view post here.

The thing about metal is, if you don't get it the first time then you won't at all. Metal becomes more than just music to its fans, it becomes a way of life. Metal isn't mainstream and neither are the people who listen to it and live it. Metal is usually a release for people and helps them relax and not worry about their jobs, school and all their problems and most of the time it helps them through it. It's for people who like it hard, fast and heavy. Metal is always there when you need it and when your metal, you always have friends even when your real friends aren't there.
Or maybe your lonely, so you go into Metal looking for these friends that aren't there.

Really, It's a bunch of people screaming in your ear about how shit their life is. About how they were abused as a child and got jailed and blah blah blah.

Bunch of crap.

I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!
No, that's rap.

Metal is a way to vent anger, it's energetic music and gets you super pumped. It's focused on fast and skillful instrumentals and angry, angry raged filled vocalists.

And Puffbunny, life is shit, get used to it.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
The thing about metal is, if you don't get it the first time then you won't at all. Metal becomes more than just music to its fans, it becomes a way of life. Metal isn't mainstream and neither are the people who listen to it and live it. Metal is usually a release for people and helps them relax and not worry about their jobs, school and all their problems and most of the time it helps them through it. It's for people who like it hard, fast and heavy. Metal is always there when you need it and when your metal, you always have friends even when your real friends aren't there.

Too bad you don't know what you're talking about. Metal is as mainstream as anything, and you pretense emo/metal-fargs need to get that. If you even TRY to call yourself not-mainstream, you're just showing everyone how pretense you are.

Personally I find SOME metal relaxing, mostly because it pumps me up in a way that most other music doesn't. I like bands that aren't too serious with themselves.

And yes, I used to wear make-up and run around with a leathercoat being the shit and standing out from the crowd. I know what you are. If you start opening up to other cultures and other peoples views, you'll live a richer and definitely less bitter life. I know how it is.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
Originally Posted by Mister616 View Post
angry, angry raged filled vocalists.

Teenage angst gogogogogogo

Originally Posted by Mister616 View Post
And Puffbunny, life is shit, get used to it.

gg somehow managing to read that into his post even when he didn't mention anything of the sort.

I find metal's lack of subtlety irritating. Unsubtle music is only decent, imo, if it's tasteful and/or ironic (ie, The Smiths).

Music is (considered to be) an art form and I won't hold anyone's views against them on so subjective a matter, but I prefer music that has some noticable subtlety or artistic quality, if not to the extent of being etirely abstract. Some metal is like that; from my experience, most isn't.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Originally Posted by Mister616 View Post
No, that's rap.

Metal is a way to vent anger, it's energetic music and gets you super pumped. It's focused on fast and skillful instrumentals and angry, angry raged filled vocalists.

And Puffbunny, life is shit, get used to it.

i agree and i like some metal. i dont like really really heavy metal but i do like metallica and black sabbath and bands simmilar to their kind of metal
I'm sorry, I meant to say Toritori9, thanks for correcting me.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Ehhh, not all metal is pure screamo. Iron maiden is metal without screaming in alot of song. Ok, metal is main stream but it's the stereo type it's developed that bugs me. That puts alot of people off it which it shouldn't, the image that has been developed is not good. You will find that alot of bands have different types of metal used.
Metal to me does calm me when I get into a bad mood it's not the only relaxing music. For example I could not be put to sleep by metal but
If I had classical on it would be seconds for me to sleep. I guess it
all depends on my mood.