Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Welcome to Torimadness, I am ItzzMikey!

Torimadness is an fun clan, where anyone, regardless of belt or rank, can try out.

Leader = ItzzMikey

Current Members = SohnoJam, Rev0lution, Cheese45, Cephyric, Stingreay, Absox, MrRTL, Magiks, Tom69, IRALR, xMagicx, and Soccerskyman.

We are a friendly clan, and any trolling/trouble making will result in immediate expulsion from the clan.

If you would like to join, post here, and we will test you if necessary.
Last edited by ItzzMikey; Jan 29, 2009 at 12:31 AM.
Yes please post here, also you can find the torimadness site in my sig lol its a unofficial toribash fansite. | an new unofficial toribash fan site.
Thank you for creating the clan, in case people didnt know we have a website called: It is the latest and greatest Toribash fansite EVAH!

[TMad] should be the icon/thing in front of our names!
No problem. Just another note, everyone who is a member at the Torimadness forums is automatically accepted, no questions asked.