Christmas Lottery
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The AWESOME thread.
In here, you post the AWESOME moments of your life. If your life is generally AWESOME, post the moments that are more AWESOME than usual. AWESOME stories, you might call them. Oh yeah, remember to all-caps every instance of the word AWESOME.

So, there was this time in school, some special excercise-day where teams spanning across almost all classes are made. Conveniently, i was the oldest guy, and therefore the leader of the team. Oorah. But anyways, this also meant that i had to help the midgets overcome obstacles that were too hard for them alone, that i had to lead the team (whe-hey!) and also that i had to be in the bottom of a human pyramid. Shit. Where's the AWESOME? Well, i'll tell you. In one of the challenges, we had to get as many kids over a rope that was 0.5-1 meters above the floor as possible within a set timeframe. Big deal. But then there was one of those small midgets who just stood there and was like, "How the heck am i supposed to get over there?" in his head. But being the smart guy i am, i promptly grabbed the midget and threw him over the rope. Yay, one kid over the rope! Shortly after, i figured that it was easier for me to just pick them up and place them legs first on the other side. But hey, i got to throw a little kid over a rope! Now that is AWESOME.

AWESOME stories. Tell them, folks.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I had an AWESOME dance with my girl.

She left me 2 weeks later cuz of something I said.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
so me and my friends dick around a lot. my friend Sean decided that it would me an AWESOME idea to jump of the roof into the giant piles of snow. his house is one story btw. i thought it would be a even AWESOMER idea to do that but shoot airosoft guns at each other while jumping off . so we did. it was AWESOME.
Originally Posted by Yourface View Post
I made a doody in my pants. :P

I don't know what this 'doody' is... I don't think I want to find out either.
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It's not AWESOME to ask when a video is released, no matter how AWESOME the video is. ;o

Also, i totally raged the enemies to hell in DoW: Soulstorm. Just built a metric fuckton of space marines, and proceeded to steamroll 4 enemy bases consecutively. AWESOME.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol