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.:ToriOlympics'09:. - .:Sixth week - Torimgr:.
ToriOlympics'09 - Torimgr
Hello all!

After a little delay we are open again! \o/

And im grad to annonce sixth week in the ToriOlimpycs'09 - Torimgr!

In this week you need to control moment of rotation and come down to the uke and touch him!


- mod to2_mgr.tbm
- you need to touch uke
- gravity -9.82 (classic) or -30 (sambo)
- you cant to change any mod-settings except matchframes, turnframes and gravity
- you cant move uke
- dont hax and steal replays
- amount of your replays is not values
- when you are attanching your replay, pls, post frame of touching
- deadline for posting your replays is midnight beetween 2nd and 3th August

Prizes (as always):

Gold medal - 35k
Silver medal - 15k
Bronze medal - 5k

Get ready, get set, gogogo!

goodluck, guyz


Winners are

Kamiko - Gold medal - 35k (256 frames)
vins84 - Silver medal - 15k (260 frames)
Engraze - Bronze medal - 5k (271 frames)
Attached Files
to2_mgr.tbm (2.0 KB, 175 views)
Last edited by Nirs; Jan 7, 2010 at 08:37 AM.
Originally Posted by vins84 View Post
It isn't legal yeah, i'm telling them this page 7. ._.

Seriously, you should study a bit more your english guys...

Why is my quote there? "It doesn't really say you can't DM"
I never said you can't change it.. I was saying the rules actually don't specify that you have to reach him in one piece.
Last edited by DoubleDagR; Jul 30, 2009 at 09:50 PM.
/set gr 0 0 -30
If the rules says you can't change anything exept gravity, matchframe and turnframe, then you can't change DM, then you can't DM, so rules specify you have to reach him in one piece.
Toriolympics - 2nd place | Fr_Death Leader |ORMO Member |
Originally Posted by vins84 View Post
If the rules says you can't change anything exept gravity, matchframe and turnframe, then you can't change DM, then you can't DM, so rules specify you have to reach him in one piece.

Uke touched on frame 1741
259 frames
I have spent only about 30 mins on this replay, so it can be beaten ._.
Attached Files
259.rpl (94.0 KB, 24 views)