What is existance? how do you exhist? how do you know that you exhist without knowing that you do not exhist? for example how do you know who you are if you do not know who you are not. Truely you can only know yourself by knowing what yourself is not.
Is it the same as the phrase "Does a falling tree in a forest make a sound if there is no one to hear it" the same could be said for your existance. Do you exist if there is no one to acknowledge that you exist? Does a person disappear when there is nothing to acknowledge their existence, they could very well cease indeed.
What is existing by deffinition anyway, you still exist as a corpse.. you still exist as a bones, as dust, as matter absorbed into the ground, through a root of a tree... where does it stop that you do not exist anymore? or is it that you cannot not exist, peel an onion for example, layer and layer and layer again, till you are at the last layer... then what is left? nothing? no, there is still the space, the space that it occupied. for you see you cannot not exist because you are the nothing and the nothing is in fact everything.