Originally Posted by HidanX View Post
It's really annoying how celebrities are more famous than intelligent people.Celebrities aredumb and all they do is sing,pose and other things like that...The most annoying thing is rappers.50 cent,eminem,lil jon,mike shinoda...Plus what I REALLY hate is JLS its just a band of idiots who think they are "fly" and "cool"...Eh...

Well if you can do what those people can too, why don't you?
I think its just a behavioral control thing, you just show the public mostly disturbed stupidity on mainstream, then hype it all up by a thousand voices and faces, and then group pressure will slowly sink in, and somehow you realize you are watching mtv awards and you really feel it is important wich clip won some glorious award ( example, it didnt happen to me. ) you start to dress like shitty stars and talk like showhosts and copy that what the tv and radio is spraying on you like a shitfountain, just like you learned how to copy everything in school, the perfect copies out there with the alien looking sunglasses that cover your hole head dressed like "whores/stars" arent really dumb. Because they are very good at copying, in this society copying is being smart. Of course we like smart people who are able to think for themselves in specific places doing specific things like scientists. But we dont want to many of those out there on the streets thinking to much about what is going on around them, because controlling a mass of selfopressing starcopies is much easier then controlling a mass of individuals ( one of the nastier things used that way are belief systems ). At least thats just my view. Besides that ive never really been picked on for being smart.. so maybe im not. Did see people who were smaller then me get picked on, they were smart, small, and on society ( star level ) non-atractive, and overal shy. The perfect people to pick on to become a star even faster, if you pick on someone who doesnt have star standards you must be a star yourself* bully your way to the top :P
In general the smartest people i have encountered, had very gentle personallities and were very reasonable, in crowds allmost invisable, but saying this makes me realize, thats just my opinion of smartness, maybe its smart to walk over other people opress those who have respect and take what you can get even if its of people that allmsot have none.

About the smart women, in my own experience ive seen a few very smart women date some very neanderthal men, they somehow were still "dumb" enough on another level to fall for there own basic instincts. ( probably happens the other way around also not trying to be a sexist here ) Also on some levels i consider myself to be smart, and on other levels i struggle with my ego to confess im a total retard :P

A friend of mine studied History on gymnasium level, i can ask him everything i want to know of history, he just answers in full detail, problem is, he cant cook, he cant walk and talk at the same time ( walking into lanterns and shit like that ) socially he's a total ass to everyone even his girlfriend.
On the level of History he beats my ass, but im a way better walker... yay!
So i guess my point is what kind of smart are we talking about here? Nobody likes to be called stupid and we all try to make theb est choices for ourselves ( and hopefully ) others. so wich choices are smart and wich are dumb. Picking on people is very disrespectfull but does that make it dumb? lol.. im going nuts over this one, im never good at choosing a side.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"