Original Post
ProtoType Art-Mania! Tens of thousands of tc being given away! Over 100k!
k, so we need a new clan logo and roster, and we need a clan video, and we need a clan pic.

For the clan pic, include these people:
MurraY, Nick96, EeE33, sprytryne, sampandora, and DjPz. They can be made using GIMP or Photoshop, or a 3D program such as Blender or CS4.

For the Roster, include:
Roster, Elite Members, Senior Members, Members, and Recruits.


Clan Pic
1st: 90k


Logo: 25k
Roster: 10k

Clan Vid:

We might need one, we might not, it all depends, feel free to take a crack at it, but these will be opened or closed later.

Any questions, post here.

End date: March 1st
Last edited by Nathan; Feb 24, 2010 at 05:23 PM.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
Originally Posted by MurraY View Post
Can I haz gun?

Originally Posted by sampandora View Post
But you said Sunglasses or cig nothing about hat :/

Originally Posted by MurraY View Post
What I meant by that is that you can only have 1 add-on.

I'll give you an example of my position,
to model sunglasses, it would take 53 steps.

A gun could be even more.

Now imagine, I sit on the stuff for hours, and then some other artist comes, makes some awesome shit, wins and I've spent hours for nothing, absolutely nothing.

I dunno.
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i will give it a try

not that good, but tell me if you like it. could remove the red overlay if you wish
Last edited by RevengR; Feb 1, 2010 at 02:32 PM.
Swedish Viking
im done. just need to render the image and upload to imageshack. ill edit it into this post in a few minutes

edit: i have to fix something. for some reason djpz and sprytryne are transparent. fixing now

edit: fixed. heres the pic (the gun seems out of place in my opinion murray): i can still edit if you like
Last edited by Deridor; Feb 2, 2010 at 02:46 AM.

@wiirus - I feel your pain, don't do the add-ons.

@deridor - K, can you try putting Galard's logo in the background and removing my gun?
(It completely blocks my face.)
then this will be my last post here. do you want me to replace the orange thing or put the logo in front of it? like right under prototype. if i replace the orange background the logo will be reflected on the floor

i meant that was where i was going to post the final image and await judgement on the clan pic. instead ill post it here in a minute

edit: here they are murray


with a simple name:

i am not very good at name logos so if you want a better one ill find someone to split the money with who can do better (theyll get 15k of it for the name)
Last edited by Deridor; Feb 2, 2010 at 05:28 AM.

so glalard won the logo stuff?

I could add it in the pic, if you want.
Last edited by wiirus; Feb 2, 2010 at 06:32 PM.
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