Well, the reflect effect is nice, but I think it should be like bumpmaps (when bumpmaps worked...) : something to add an effect to some joints or bodyparts (not necessary all your tori). For example, I like to see it on Uke, but not on my tori (which is dark and a little "evil"... I don't want it to shine !).
Players should have the choice to deactivate them just for their joints, and see it on others toris if the other players activate them...
The same with additional objetcs (mods, or my atmospheres script) : we should be able to deactivate these reflections (the atmospheres dojo with reflections looks like crap imo, and the FPS drops a lot with some atmospheres like winter night, where a lot of snowflakes are dispayed... we don't need the reflections here).
Is it possible ?
Still, very good work...