yeah, this isn't the place for cnc.

For cnc, you should probably just open your own thread.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
you should try and relax joints more, and maybe edit as often as you can to make sure that al the flow is being shifted and you are moving with it in a flowy motion.

I usually edit every 5 frames when I do an opener so I can make it look as smooth as possible
Last edited by MrJingles; Jan 11, 2014 at 04:07 PM.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
I see most openers nowadays that flow well are those halfturn flippy things(they were in rubash opener challenges a couple of times aka orko) and you should try to make sure that you are always moving in the same motion. dont spin right stop then spin left. see if you can transfer all that momentum into a certain kick or punch or maybe even a tricking type thing
afterwards ya know
kill ukeko
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Hi ormo,
Occasionally when going for a hard hit my foot or hand comes off. Is this due to having a bad angle or am I that bad?
Attached Files
For example this.rpl (151.2 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by Ealtrik; Jan 13, 2014 at 04:38 AM.
Generally if you punch too hard and it's not like perfectly aimed and timed it'll break because of the pressure on the joint, and the fact that the wrist is fairly delicate. That's why people contract wrists when they punch because when the wrist is turned and it hits the joint you want to hit with the end of it, it doesn't put press directly on the joint but rather kind of spreads it out.

With kicks, breaking your ankle is pretty hard. It's essentially when you hit the joint or ghost into it and there's a massive amount of damage done to the ankle directly. It's pretty weird and fairly uncommon at least to me because it requires the ankle to be directly hit or ghosted pretty far into uke.
ankles usually break easily when you force contract them (hit them really hard from below as if they contracted) instead of hitting the actual ankle joint just like in the replay you posted
oh yeah
For both wrists and ankles, it's pressure placed on the joint that causes it to either-hyper contract or hyper-extend. The reason a wrist breaks often when punching is because a fully extended wrist, when hitting something, causes most of the force to be directed in the same direction as the extending force. A contracted wrist that is extending during a punch directs most of the force straight into the joint, rather than lopsidedly into one side or the other.

Similar thing with an ankle. Ankles are fairly sturdy considering their positions, but they get wrecked by forces that extend or contract the joint beyond their normal position, then quickly resist the foot's momentum while the leg keeps the momentum. Hence why you can have a heavy ghosted kick and not get any ankle dismembers so long as the ankle was fairly rigid during the kick. However, a relaxed ankle that gets hyper extended because of it, then connects with a relatively sturdy part like the chest-area or sometimes the neck, will basically keep all the forward momentum going in the top parts of the ankle, but the foot has been abruptly stopped, causing the break.

Basically, keep the joint in question in as normal a range as possible, and contract or extend appropriately to counter-act any forces that might force it out of that range.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Hello, Ormo. I'm asking you for replays for my new vid. I need acrobatic ones.
If you are interested more details here. Thanks.