fuck yeah this game is awesome, with a good team

playan with ciao, lume and drakhir was awesome. got to the final mission in less than two hours though, game's pretty short and I can't wait for the add-on campaigns and community maps.

Just downloaded, and discovered many of us ATI users are being hit with a bug, especially me D:!
What happens is after the game loads, it crashes and goes to the desktop, no matter if it's offline or MP.
Gonna fiddle about and see what I can do!
Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
fuck yeah this game is awesome, with a good team

playan with ciao, lume and drakhir was awesome. got to the final mission in less than two hours though, game's pretty short and I can't wait for the add-on campaigns and community maps.


Yeah except when people say they have to go to bed
someone's hogging all the bandwidth in our house. Supposed to dl at 1.8 MB/s.

Only going 200-400KB/s. Aww.

Might as well play Transformice for an hour.
Last edited by hellopppp; Jul 20, 2010 at 03:01 AM.
Don't read this.
AH, everyone on my list is already in a full game!

Hurry, friend me and lets play!

Again, SenseiJak is my name.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

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Incognito - [o]
Hmmm, I'm getting the error message:

Something like "Failed to load launcher DLL"

Tried reinstalling, didn't work...

EDIT: Verifying Game cache, let's see.
EDIT2: Nope, didn't work.

EDIT3: Deleted the bin folder in the game, now gets:

Failed to load Lancher DLL

Could not find the specified module.
Last edited by hellopppp; Jul 20, 2010 at 04:18 AM.
Don't read this.
Originally Posted by TweakiN View Post
Just downloaded, and discovered many of us ATI users are being hit with a bug, especially me D:!
What happens is after the game loads, it crashes and goes to the desktop, no matter if it's offline or MP.
Gonna fiddle about and see what I can do!

any luck or any idea when or if there going to fix it?
I've read around a bit, and found that my problem may be because of my old AMD processor, it doesn't have SSE2 instruction set.

This makes me sad

EDIT: Well, nothing is working, I give up until there is a fix.

Also, another reason I should get a new computer.
Last edited by hellopppp; Jul 20, 2010 at 04:39 AM.
Don't read this.
Guys, I see the alien swarm start screen, (picture says alien swarm) then it just turns black.

Anyone help please? I actually wanna play steam for once!
|Grim Reapers|The Aikido Team|PSN/Steam:ItsRainingDesert|
Looked at all the screenshots on the steam site...and it looks like ghostbusters on crack.

Im gonna download this pronto.
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