lol, I'd be a little more interested if the joints were there, all my copper is worth 30k to me, as for the hot pink, feel free to offer tc, 11k is reasonable
@chrome radio forcde is currently in a ever i might pull it out if you push your price up to 7k
@zinx 6.8k deal last offer gtfo if you dont want it for that price
@devil sorry head avy out of stock. (lol) i thought you meant i buy it off you., toxic text (mis read...that was toxic force price lolz) for 8k bronze dq for 1.5k
@hybrid lol copper forces for 30k....LOL
you obviuos dont know the market price so yea...
and 11k is near the top of the price range.
so ill swap tyrain force for hot pink and 2k
Last edited by Sentinel; Dec 16, 2010 at 09:18 PM.
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
head avatar 1k, send item


what!? out of stock? u.u" if you have a head avatar, send to me...


EDIT: no, i dont want a head avatar for 1k, sorry... at 50% discount... yes... 750?
Last edited by 0rigami; Dec 16, 2010 at 09:26 PM.
Originally Posted by XSwerunnaX View Post
What do you want from Blok?:All texture trails
What do you want to give Blok?:Toxic force (shop value 43k) value ca 25k
Can we counter-offer with another item from your inventory?:maybe depends on what
Can we offer in TC?:no i just want the trails or the trails + TC

Hey man what about this ?
Well if you knew that they were sold out and that the torishop holds them at 5k per lax, then you'd know that 11k is a stupid offer, I'll haggle but not much
as for the hot pink, tcs will do fine, I kinda don't want any extra stuff.