People burning the jews saw it moral, what if they truly believed that they were cleansing?
Either way that's all passed because the majority of the planet was against it. Sure it was immoral, but you can't do anything about it, until you have numbers, which in this case was like the planet against these guys who decided to cleanse the land of what they thought needed cleansing.
America saw how afghanistan was treating their civilians, America saw it as Immoral, So now they are over there, Afghanistan seeing that as some sort violation of privacy sees that as immoral. In the long run America is very likely to win, you know why? You guessed it because America has some numbers to spare.
Through out history in the long run the Majority has always won, a few instances where the minorities played their cards right and came out victorious.
You don't prevent something because it makes a few people angry, that is democracy.
You do prevent something because it is immoral.
This goes for both sides of the arguement.
People don't want gays to get married as they see it as immoral
Gays want gays to get married because they see how they can't is immoral.
Talking in morality is almost pointless as you can easily get both sides of the arguement on leveled ground just by talking morals.
A few hundred years ago there were some immoral laws that people saw as moral, Even today I'm sure there are immoral laws that people see as moral, but we think nothing of it.
Last edited by T0ribush; Apr 22, 2011 at 10:43 PM.