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Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
i completly agree with gorman on this subject.

Gorman was playing Devil's advocate and clearly struggling, that you'd agree is astonishing.
Originally Posted by Takkrala
i watched the whole vid and didnt even remotely care. theyll die anyway, so whats the point in caring if they die soon enough?

Brb, hitting a terminally ill child in the face. Just because they're dying soon doesn't mean making their lives even worse is acceptable.
Originally Posted by Takkrala
(wasnt a question. so dont answer it.)

Haha, yes it was.
Originally Posted by Takkrala
point is, either the whole world has to care and stop eating meat.
or, all of you should just face these things happen.

Do you honestly believe half the cruelty in that video was needed or wanted by most meat-eaters?
"It happens often so we shouldn't care" is also pretty dumb.
Keep enjoying that steak people!

This video isn't an argument for vegetarianism, it's an argument against slaughterhouse procedure. This should be obvious.

@Fee: lol, the only reasons to support inhumane slaughterhouse practices are cheap meat, the idea that we can and should act like base animals that actually need to bite their prey to death, and the silly concept that if they're dying soon it's okay.

The industry's never going to change because "we kill our animals humanely" is hardly a marketing point likely to strike a chord in the public's heart. Especially since the public doesn't even buy from them, grocery stores and restaurants do.
Last edited by Boredpayne; May 4, 2011 at 04:03 AM.
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Hey look more than two lines.
I just think if animals were treated better, maybe everyone would feel better knowing that the world isn't as bad.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Gorman was playing Devil's advocate and clearly struggling, that you'd agree is astonishing.

Now now Boredpayne, just because I said what I said under that pretext does not make the points any less valid.

If you cannot successfully counter the points that you so clearly think are poor, then really whose fault is it?

There is certainly no need to insult anyone over it.

Originally Posted by Boredpayne
Brb, hitting a terminally ill child in the face. Just because they're dying soon doesn't mean making their lives even worse is acceptable.

Hoi hoi, a human life is worth far more than an animals.
From a legal standpoint it is worth more, from a moral standpoint it is worth more, from a social standpoint it is worth more. I am not sure how you could think that an animal is equal to a human.

Originally Posted by Boredpayne
Haha, yes it was.
Do you honestly believe half the cruelty in that video was needed or wanted by most meat-eaters?
"It happens often so we shouldn't care" is also pretty dumb.
This video isn't an argument for vegetarianism, it's an argument against slaughterhouse procedure. This should be obvious.

Once again hoi hoi, I don't agree with senseless violence on any level. However, going out of your way to stun a cow before slaughtering it is just as needless. I can't submit to going out of ones way to cause violence, or going out of ones way to make things more comfortable for a doomed animal. Even if you dress the cow in the finest silk and give it a last meal of caviar and sea-grass, at the end of the day it is going to die.

"It happens often so we shouldn't care" is a perfectly valid argument. Would you want to live near a volcano? Or in an earthquake prone area? Of course if you are given the choice in this manner you say no. Yet, many volcanoes have entire cities in their shadow and many fault lines have just as much. Seeing it like this may shock you, but I can garauntee that with every passing second the shock is draining away, soon enough you will understand it is normal.

Originally Posted by Boredpayne
lol, the only reasons to support inhumane slaughterhouse practices are cheap meat, the idea that we can and should act like base animals that actually need to bite their prey to death, and the silly concept that if they're dying soon it's okay.

What is more important, humans or animals?

The answer is so obvious that it hurts me to even inform you, the answer is 'humans'. If we cause some 'inhumane' acts upon animals just to get a decent meal, then so be it. Even if you dress the cow in the finest silk and give it a last meal of caviar and sea-grass, at the end of the day it is going to die.

The simple truth is that these animals live only so they can die for us. Their pain and suffering is inconsequential. The only reason to treat them more 'humanely' (it seems humorous to keep saying 'humane' when we are talking about animals who were born and raised only so we could slaughter them and eat their flesh, but I will continue to humour you) is if the slaughterhouse staff feel that for their needs they want to treat them differently. No one could object to a worker saying they don't want to hear the last screams of a dieing animal. Apart from that, do what you will for my meat.
Last edited by Gorman; May 4, 2011 at 07:20 AM.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Gorman was playing Devil's advocate and clearly struggling, that you'd agree is astonishing.
Brb, hitting a terminally ill child in the face. Just because they're dying soon doesn't mean making their lives even worse is acceptable.

Not at all like hitting a child, a child has emotion. Plus the even if you argue it doesn't, its parents or care takers have the emotional need to care for it. and even if you say so do animal parents, real parents have repercussions in our society, cows, don't.

Haha, yes it was.
Do you honestly believe half the cruelty in that video was needed or wanted by most meat-eaters?
"It happens often so we shouldn't care" is also pretty dumb.
This video isn't an argument for vegetarianism, it's an argument against slaughterhouse procedure. This should be obvious.

Imma agree with you on this

@Fee: lol, the only reasons to support inhumane slaughterhouse practices are cheap meat, the idea that we can and should act like base animals that actually need to bite their prey to death, and the silly concept that if they're dying soon it's okay.

Cheap Meat yes to fill consumer needs for an economy that is sustainable. If no one bought meat we would lose an obscene amount of money. Its okay to kill them because they taste good and yeah who cares if they have a good life if people still buy it(even indirectly as you said), then they will mass produce it.

The industry's never going to change because "we kill our animals humanely" is hardly a marketing point likely to strike a chord in the public's heart. Especially since the public doesn't even buy from them, grocery stores and restaurants do. I agree, but it doesn't need to change.

see bold
Just saw the video untill the end, the cows were the worst bit. That is the saddest movie I have ever seen. The human race is fucked!
This is about the animals not about the people , why force your opinion onto others that likes meat? The way that they are killed is not propper at all but, people tend to like meat more than vegies this means the demand for animals is super high... Mankind also needs to keep the population of animals down( again i say they can do it in better way ).

What do you think would become if animals are left to reproduse as they do so greatley? they would become over populated super fast , That means more Co2 gass
being emitted (the ammout of Co2 gas given off by dairy is 10 times more than humans )

I like meant , and in my country they are killed instantly with a single shot , i live on a farm... my dad said that it's needed to keep dairy in not to large spaces to the meat will not become to "wild|" rendering the taste to be of lower grade that means the meat will be sold for less and in a world were money is life , you need to make profit were possible , why keep a dieng or sick animal alive then you are bound to lose money by trying to keep it alive ...not knowing if the animal will make it after you have spent all that money on them?

To me how the chicklets are killed, i don't even eat ckicken ,haven't for years coz here were i live they kill them in the same way.

The poin were i want to get at is , not all animals consumed by humans is killed in such a brutal way, The fact it that animals will be killed till the end of days, all that we can do is to try and stop the way they are treated before they are slaughtered(because they will be killed, Weather or not you become a vegan that animal will still be killed) Why is there no such movie about humans being slaughtered for the selling of organs, coz it happens to me that is much worse.

I love animals ant how they taste .
They are killed for a reason, altho they can be killed in a better way they will still die,
That movie is the most extrem cases.
At the end were the guy said fish feels just like any animal is bull crap most fish are cold blooded , what means they are like the living dead ...put simple they cannot feel pain.
I already knew about what happens in slaughter houses and I just figure that what they do is probably their cheapest and most efficient solution and so far it has not had any noticeable adverse effects on my health so until I see mass accounts of negative effects on people, I will assume it's better for us as we pay less and it's more readily available.

I think it's stupid to just stop eating meat because of this as us as humans are designed to eat meat and plants (according to our teeth) so I just assume that we need both for a healthier life.
Originally Posted by GenTech View Post
K so should we come and beat you in the face with a crowbar..cause, youll die soon anyways right ? Who cares as long as you die soon. No, we dont have to stop eating meat, but we dont have to beat animals in the face with crowbars to death or stab them in the legs with pitchfork's. And i get steak from my grandpa's farm ,where all his animals are treated good and are asleep before he kills them. He doesnt walk into the barn and start beating the hell out of the animals with blunt objects.


o jolly another one. how about quitting that and get some real points on the table.

/edit: look at boredpayne for example.
Last edited by Takkrala; May 4, 2011 at 10:09 AM.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
@Fee: lol, the only reasons to support inhumane slaughterhouse practices are cheap meat, the idea that we can and should act like base animals that actually need to bite their prey to death, and the silly concept that if they're dying soon it's okay.

The industry's never going to change because "we kill our animals humanely" is hardly a marketing point likely to strike a chord in the public's heart. Especially since the public doesn't even buy from them, grocery stores and restaurants do.

Yes exactly, cheap meat. I can guarantee that the majority of the public would prefer cheap meat over more humane slaughter. I am not saying we should act like base animals, I am putting into perspective that this happens in the world and is natural.

The public buy from the restaurants and grocery stores, they are essentially the middle men, they buy cheaply produced meat so they can compete with competitor prices and cater for their customers, sure they'll market some meat as free range blah blah blah but the majority of customers will be looking for the cheap stuff. Until that changes, slaughterhouse practices won't.

You need to toughen up to this and realize that the current slaughterhouse methods really aren't THAT bad. Sure, to see them in action can be a little distressing but the majority of those animals were stunned prior to killing, the botched killings weren't nice to see but a small percentage will go wrong, that's inevitable. The needless violence towards these animals, again not nice to see but you will get workers who act like this. But using that as an argument against the whole industry when the majority of workers follow safe practices is wrong.
Originally Posted by FreshPrins View Post
Stop trying to bully people into thinking the same way as you.

Did you understood? I told watching the video shows that you have a heart and that you care how animals get onto your meal. It doesnt mean anything that i want everyone to think the same way as me.