Originally Posted by Creati0n View Post
Dead on IRC until maybe Sunday. I'll be on the forums though.

I'm back.
hello, I'm currently MIA in a state of anger at my computer xD
So, for some reason the boot loader for windows 8.1 was deleted on my computer, I might be able to repair it(I hope so anyway) with some magical luck.
I'll be back at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later.
Sincerely ~ Fuck Microsoft
Also I'm just really glad I backed GTA v up on my external drive :u
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Gonna be a bit inactive this weekend. I have a bunch of stuff going on but I should be back monday.
Lol gonna be less active again. Going away for something. This should be the last time im away until august. Ill be back Saturday/Sunday.