Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
Here is a colab from me and extremerun, isin't finished yet.

Nice replay you got there pal.
-Real Name: Miles
-Age: 15
-Date of Birth: 07/04/96
-GMT: -8
-Sex: Male
-Why you want to join (30+ words or else neglected): I want to join Prophecy because i really want to join a clan. This looks like a nice good clan, and it doesnt look like a bunch of noobs set it together.
-Why should we accept you(30+ words or else neglected): You should accept me because i have been playing toribash for a long time and know a lot about it. I have lots of TC i could donate and I am alright at texturing. Recent clans ive been in are Neko and Raku but i went inactive for about 5months and left Raku. I am really nice and would be thankful if i got accepted.

ICoon told me to post my app here
Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
You have a yes from me, decent app, decent belt and grammar.

I've said it before.
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by 1543 View Post
-Real Name: Miles
-Age: 15
-Date of Birth: 07/04/96
-GMT: -8
-Sex: Male
-Why you want to join (30+ words or else neglected): I want to join Prophecy because i really want to join a clan. This looks like a nice good clan, and it doesnt look like a bunch of noobs set it together.
-Why should we accept you(30+ words or else neglected): You should accept me because i have been playing toribash for a long time and know a lot about it. I have lots of TC i could donate and I am alright at texturing. Recent clans ive been in are Neko and Raku but i went inactive for about 5months and left Raku. I am really nice and would be thankful if i got accepted.

ICoon told me to post my app here

meh your in /jo Prophecy
sending invitation.

So welcome to our clan.
Stay active we don't want anything to happen, like in Raku.:3
Do you really think you're in control
Hey guy's, sorry I was inactive for a day or so. It was because we went to take our new boat out for a test.

Also guy's, I have started pixel arting and I will show you what I have made so far.

Cowboy, 1st one:

Sorry it is so small.

And second one is Future Bart Simpson.

Please tell me if you like them or not.
Dr Zoidberg
Originally Posted by bambam2601 View Post
Hey guy's, sorry I was inactive for a day or so. It was because we went to take our new boat out for a test.

Also guy's, I have started pixel arting and I will show you what I have made so far.

Cowboy, 1st one:

Sorry it is so small.

And second one is Future Bart Simpson.

Please tell me if you like them or not.

Haha not bad for your 1st try mate!
Keep on improving those skills!
Yeah, like i said on your art thread those images for some reason make laugh, their nice.
And slanesh is also good with Drawings of some sort.
Do you really think you're in control