-Real Name: Miles
-Age: 15
-Date of Birth: 07/04/96
-GMT: -8
-Sex: Male
-Why you want to join (30+ words or else neglected): I want to join Prophecy because i really want to join a clan. This looks like a nice good clan, and it doesnt look like a bunch of noobs set it together.
-Why should we accept you(30+ words or else neglected): You should accept me because i have been playing toribash for a long time and know a lot about it. I have lots of TC i could donate and I am alright at texturing. Recent clans ive been in are Neko and Raku but i went inactive for about 5months and left Raku. I am really nice and would be thankful if i got accepted.
ICoon told me to post my app here
Hey guy's, sorry I was inactive for a day or so. It was because we went to take our new boat out for a test.
Also guy's, I have started pixel arting and I will show you what I have made so far.
Cowboy, 1st one:
Sorry it is so small.
And second one is Future Bart Simpson.
Please tell me if you like them or not.