Oh, I see you did not even bother reading the source and are just picking on the word correlation.
It is proven that genetics are involved and play a big role when it comes to sexual orientation.
Apparently for women the environmental factor is huge while it plays hardly a role for men etc.
the only reason we aren't allowed to marry is because the Bible, the "Word of God". It's all religion,
why should we let religion dictate the government?
The Bible was written by people who sincerely believed that gays should be stoned to death, not God (if God even exists?).
Should there even be an argument? This is silly, and yet it's religion's fault. Christians should feel ashamed of themselves.
Also on a side note.
It pisses me off when people bash on christians, saying they are all stupid because they believe in a God. I know you're entitled to your own opinion, but don't be a fucking idiot when you say stuff. If you don't believe in God or the bible then ok. But don't be an idiot and call us a bunch of idiots. Not everyone has the same view on a subject. And if you think that is the case, then you need to get your head out of your ass.
Well, just to be sure, you are the one who pulled this offtopic and decided to start this fight...
If I say that I am wearing a donkey as a hat, and refuse to change my mind no matter how much evidence is thrown at me, would I be stupid?
Either stupid, or a troll.
As I said before, I consider being a Christian to be akin to a mental illness, you are forced to make irrational choices, in the same way that a schizophrenic might. Actually there are probably a lot of parallels between Christianity and schizophrenia. Since Christianity often causes serious behavioral and emotional problems, classing it as a mental illness is not out of reason.
Essentially the intersection of refusing evidence and thus being stupid, and having such behavioral and emotional problems and thus being mentally ill, is where we can define Christians as idiots.
Of course, I would not have put it so bluntly as you did, but to quote a humorous (though crude) way to put it that I once heard; "Christians are 50% stupider than most people because they believe in something that isn't real".
Though one could argue that Christians are merely naive, believing in God the way a child believes in Santa, one must acknowledge that a child probably won't get violent if you tell them Santa doesn't exist, and children grow out of their belief - it is often a sign of immaturity to believe in Santa, children will also turn their belief once given evidence and assurance. Christians hold on to their misguided beliefs much more tightly, often to deadly effect. Which leads me to a second point, provided by a certain Mister616; 'Christianity is not something we can ignore, it is a deadly cancer'
Now can we keep the theological subjects in theological threads and gay marriage subjects in gay marriage threads?
Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."